
This website is dedicated to bringing together the descendants of the first families of eastern North Carolina.

It was these families, most of whom have been here since the very beginning of the colony (and some whose indigenous ancestors were here even before that time!) that created this great state.

It is our hope to take advantage of the very best technology the 21st century has to offer in using the Internet and genetic testing to find out who our ancestors were.

If you’re visiting this site, you may be a seasoned genealogist curious as to what East Carolina Roots is all about, or you may be a beginner starting to map out your family tree. Either way, hopefully you will find something useful here that will keep you coming back– and perhaps even contributing information– so we may all help one another identify our grandmothers and grandfathers from all generations.

It’s not necessary for you to participate in DNA testing to make good use of this site, but if you are interested, you can learn more about it by clicking here.