Charles Anderson (Craven County, 1836) – Widow’s petition, children named

by | Feb 24, 2014 | 6 comments

The following is a transcription of one of the estate documents for Charles Anderson of Craven County, who died in 1836. It names his widow and all eleven of his children.

Widow: Elishy


  1. Enoch Anderson
  2. Jennet Anderson, the wife of Brinson Hollis?
  3. Charles Anderson
  4. Henry Anderson
  5. Sally, the wife of Thomas Ward
  6. Lishy, the wife of John Sutton,
  7. Isaac Anderson
  8. Elizabeth, the wife of James Caton
  9. Allen Anderson
  10. Thomas Anderson (minor child)
  11. Mary Anderson (minor child)

It seems I have [attempted] to read many documents composed by the man whose hand wrote this document, and I have to say, his writing is very difficult to read. He used what appeared to be a pen with a broad nib and slanted his letters terribly, so much so that many words just look like horizontal scribbles.

I have posted the original documents below. If anyone is able to read the words in the areas marked [illegible], please submit your findings in the comments box and I will be very grateful.

State of North Carolina
Craven County

To the worshipful the Justices of the Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions for said County —
The Petition of Lishy Anderson Widow of Charles Anderson late of said County respectfully sheweth that on the __ day of ___ last part? her said husband Charles Anderson departed this life leaving him [illegible] Petitioner his widow, and eleven children to wit Enoch Anderson, Jannet the wife of Brinson Hollis?, Charles Anderson, Henry Anderson, Sally the wife of Thomas Ward, Lishy the wife of Thomas John Sutton, Isaac Anderson, Elizabeth the wife of James Caton, Allen Anderson, Thomas and Mary Anderson his heirs at law, that Thomas & Mary are under age and have no Guardian. Petition further sheweth that her said husband did seize & [illegible] of a certain tract of land in Craven County which __ ____ on the North side of Neuse River on Swifts Creek in Piney Neck adjoining the lands of Henry Anderson, John Morris and Sally Wuthington. Petition further sheweth that she is entitled to dower in said lands and is desirous to have the same lais off by metes and bounds. To this end [illegible words] to the Sherriff commanding [several illegible words] allot and lay off her dower and make [illegible words] of such at the next Term that the same be confirmed, that the said Thomas & Mary have guardians especially appointed to defend their interests in the matter & that all said [illegible] be by proper process [illegible words] make defendents [illegible] & that they may shew cause if any they have why Petitioners prayer be not granted and that [illegible words] and as is duty bound ?
Geo. J. Atkinson?
for Pet.

Estate Records for Charles Anderson

Petition regarding the lands of Charles Anderson of Craven County, NC  Petition regarding his land p12


  1. Shirley Dais

    Please contact me. This is my line. Charles is my 3rd gr grandfather. I am from his gson Henry. We are having the Anderson reunion this coming Saturday. I have a tree on Ancestry kraftyme_1

    • Sara Whitford

      I apologize for the late response to this comment. For some reason, I haven’t been receiving comment notifications. Thank you for your message!

      I descend from Charles Anderson through his son Henry (who married Narcissa “Dossie” Whitford). Henry and Dossie’s daughter, Alicia Ann Anderson married Charles C. Wetherington, and their son, Henry Bryan Wetherington married Laura Toler. Henry and Laura Toler Wetherington are my g-g-grandparents. I descend from their daughter, Mary Susan Wetherington.

      • Shirley Davis

        Sara di I ever reply to you? I’m sorry to be so forgetful. I would love to share information with you.

        • Sara Whitford

          Shirley – No, I don’t believe I got a reply from you. If you’d like, contact me by e-mail at eastcarolinaroots [at]

          • Shirley Davis

            Sara, I’m sorry to have been so lax in replying I’ve had a lot of medical problems. But I am hoping to share with you. My son and I are trying to build a new webpage but our old one is and you can use the password fed60yuqcheck it out. Now back to Anderson….Charles and Letiticia( I hope I spelled it right) Their son Isaac(we knew him as Stephen)b. 1810 and his wife Mary Cox. Also we have Thomas 1817 who married Sarah Louise West.

  2. Hughessutton

    Charles Anderson was my 4th great grand father his daughter Lisha Anderson 3rd great grand mother married my 3rd great grand father John Sutton 4 Jul 1826. There son Samuel Sutton 2nd great grand father
    Married Ann Russell Bentley married 17 Mar 1855 • Craven County, North Carolina, USA. There son John Allen Sutton Great Grand Father married Emily Jane Tingle abt 1880. There son Samuel Edmond “Ed” Sutton my grand father Married Carrie “Kay” Isabell Hughes 2 Mar 1919 • Vanceboro, Craven, North Carolina, USA. There daughter Mildred Sutton married Fred W Parrott 21 Jul 1940 • Dillon County, South Carolina, USA


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