John Anderson, Sr. (also Jonas Anderson) to John Allen – 1782 (Craven County)

by | Nov 24, 2017 | 0 comments

Below is a deed between John ANDERSON, Sr. of Craven County to John ALLEN.

6 May 1782

This indenture made the sixth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Two Between John ANDERSON, Senior of the County and State above mentioned. or the one part and John ALLEN of the same place of the other part.

Witnesseth, That the said John ANDERSON for and, in consideration of the sum of One Hundred and Fifty Pounds Specie to him in hand paid by the said John ALLEN the receipt whereof the said John Anderson doth hereby acknowledge assign acquitted and discharged the said John ALLEN from every part and parcel thereof I have bargained and sold and confirmed and by these presents doth bargain, sell and confirm unto the said John ALLEN his heirs and assigns forever a plantation and tract of land, lying and being in Craven County, containing One Hundred and Fifty Seven Acres of land, beginning at Charles ANDERSON’s line, part of the said patent granted to the said John ANDERSON in the year of One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty Four and from Charles ANDERSON line to Richard MANCON (MANKER?), beginning from then with MANCON’s (MANKER’s?) line to Swift’s Creek from thence to Charles ANDERSON’s line and from thence to the beginning, which contains all the remainder of said patent granted to the said John ANDERSON in the year One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Four that is not deeded to Charles James and Peter ANDERSON, Senior and James ANDERSON

To Have and to Hold the prebargained land and premises with all and singular the appurtenances, rights, privileges and profits thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said John Allen his heirs and assigns forever and the said John ANDERSON doth covenantly agree to and with the saiaJohn Allen that he is rightful and lawful owner of the said before bargained premises that he hath power and lawful authority in his own right to sell, and dispose of the same that the same is free and clear from all former bargains in any manner whatsoever and the said John ANDERSON for himself his heirs doth covenantly agree to and with the said John ALLEN that he will at any time and at all times at the instance and request and at the proper loss and discharges of the said John ALLEN sign, seal and execute any other deed or deeds, conveyance or conveyances whatsover in law he the said John ALLEN Council learned in law shall advise, devise or require for the better and more perfect conveying and assuring the above mentioned land and premises and all the appurtanances thereunto belonging and every part and parcel thereof and the said John Anderson for himself and his heirs doth warrant and defend the said bargained premises to the said John Allen his heirs and assigns forever from him and his heirs or from any other person or persons whatsoever

In Witness Whereof, the said John Anderson hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written.

John ( his X mark ) ANDERSON { Seal }

Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of us
Moses CHANCE, Thomas KEMP

There was also another deed between Jonas ANDERSON and John ALLEN executed the same day with the same witnesses, Moses CHANCE and Thomas KEMP. Jonas ANDERSON sells his 100 acres from the 1771 James ANDERSON patent for $120. His parcel is described as being on the “west side of Swift’s Creek beginning at a pine on James ANDERSON’s line, Isaac ANDERSON’s corner tree at upper end of Piney Neck, runs South 80 West 80 poles to gum in KEMP’s line, then North 10 East 200 poles to a pine then North 80 East 80 poles to a pine Isaac ANDERSON’s corner tree, then with his line South 10 West 200 poles to first station.”


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