Will of John Wiggins of Craven County (1803)

by | Jul 3, 2018 | 0 comments

I’m trying to figure out who’s who for all of these Craven County Wiggins. I don’t descend from them (that I know of), but I have them in many collateral lines. Specifically, I’d love to figure out how John, Edmund, George, and Samuel Wiggins fit together. (I know there were multiple generations of these…. I’m referring to men who would’ve been born in the first half of the 18th century.)

Below, I have transcribed the will of John Wiggins of Craven County (1803).

The individuals named below are:

Sarah (wife of John Wiggins)


The first three named may be sons of his current wife, Sarah.

  • Aaron Wiggins
  • Robert Wiggins
  • Caleb Wiggins (not yet of age when will is written)

The next sons have already received property and are evidently older:

  • George Wiggins
  • John Wiggins, married Betsy Truitt


  • Charlotte Wiggins (deceased), was married to Willis Trewhitt (Willis Truitt)
  • Nancy Wiggins, married Willis Trewhitt after her sister’s death
  • Elizabeth Wiggins (mentioned as youngest daughter)

In the name of God Amen. I John Wiggins of the State of North Carolina and County of Craven, being sick and weak in body, but in perfect mind and memory thanks be to almighty God the same, and calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed to all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament that is to say first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me, and as touching such worldly Estate as it has been pleased God to bless me with in this world I do hereby dispose of the same in manner and form as follows –

That is to say first of all I desire that all my Just debts be paid.

Item and bequeath unto Lasey(?) WIGGINS my said Wife one mare named fly and my stock of hogs and ??? of my crop of Corn Fodder, Peas and Potaters, now standing on the ground.

I also give and bequeath unto her the said Sarah WIGGINS all of my household and Kitchen furniture and all my farming utensils of every description. I also give and bequeath unto her the said Sarah Wiggins the plantation lot whereon I now live together with timber sufficient for the support of the same during her natural life, and after her decease to my son Aaron Wiggins the above lot to be made of equal value with Caleb & Roberts lots such division to take place when Caleb comes of age.

Item part the part of my real estate to be divided between the three forementioend sones Caleb, Robert & Aaron, is bounded on the No side of the Wolf Pit Branch and on the South side with its horse branch to the east and with Blackledge’s line and Westward with Phillips land.

I give and bequeath unto my son George WIGGINS all my lands on the North side of the above mentioned Wolf pit branch to his own proper use benefit and behoof to use and make use of at his pleasure and I give and bequeath unto my son John WIGGINS, all my lands on the South side of the horse branch adjoining William Fife and full power to possess the same immediately after my decease.

Item I give and bequeath unto Sarah WIGGANS, my said wife, one negro man named Charles to assist her in the maintenance of the four youngest children during her life & after her decease to be sold and the money equally divided between my daughters Nancy, Elizabeth and the heirs of Charlotte, and all the property that has been heretofore given to the above mentioned Nancy and Charlotte to still remain of the disposal there??? and to those who are their proper heirs at law.

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Trut (Truitt) one feather bed and furniture out of the furniture first mentioned to Sarah WIGGANS my said wife and after the death of said Sarah WIGGANS my said wife I wish an equal divisn to be made between all my children of the household & kitchen furniture item remaining.

Item I give and bequeath unto George WIGGANS one horse now in his possession named Bar??? and nine head of Cattle, and all the hogs he ??? in his own name and mark.

Item I give and bequeath to my son John WIGGINS one two year old mare named Tibb, and all the hogs that he claims as his property .

Item I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth WIGGINS my youngest daughter one year old colt and one feather bed and furniture which is now called her won bed and I do notify and confirm it is my last will & testament and are wills or parts of will sone hereby declared Void and without ?? force of law and Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this sixteenth August 1803.

John { his I mark } Wiggans

I do nominate and appoint George WIGGINS and Eben FIFE Executor to this my last will & testament assigned and acknowledged in the presence of

Angus McDonald (or McDaniel?)
Abel Thomas

State of North Carolina – Sept. Term 1803
Craven County Court

Then was the within last will and testament of John Wiggins produced and proved in open court by the oath of Angus McD?? and of the subscribing witnesses thereto and George Wiggins its executor therein named Came into Court and Qualified to the ?? ordered that the same be recorded.

attest Samuel Chapman CC

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