1779 Craven County Tax List

by | Dec 17, 2021 | 2 comments

1779 Craven County Tax List p. 353

Below is a transcription of names found on the 1779 Tax List. These original scans can be found here at the NC Digital Collections Site.

I am not transcribing all of the property values, only the names. If you see a name that is of interest to you, just find the corresponding page in the gallery below and you will be able to see that individual’s record in details.

North Carolina Craven County. A list of the assessment in the District No. 3 for the Year 1779. Returned by Benjamin Williams, James Pearce and James Perkins. Assessors.


Levi Dawson
Thomas Hall Ser.
Lewis Coventon
William Speight
John West
Chosewell Dixon
Thomas Hall Junr
Benjamin Clark
Daniel West
John Vendrick Junr.
Isaac Reed
John Vendrick Senr.
Thomas Harper Senr.
William Carraway
David Purify
James Hollis
Nicholas Purify
William Speight
James Arthur
Peter Hyman
William Tyre
Jesse Williams
Joshua Cuthril
Nathl. Gabriel
William Gatlin
Thomas Franklin
Mary Miller
Daniel Vendrick
William Hall
Hannah Hukins (Hannah Meekins – sp?)
Evan Rice
John Daw
John Banks
Thomas Cuthrill
Samuel Lawson
Michael Hyman
William West

p. 354

Thomas Spight
Rachel Pitts
Rachel Hyman
William Hollis
John Baker
Isaac Hollis
Lawrence Blakey
Thomas Jordan
Joseph Simpkins
Wm. Edgrington (sp?)
Asa Bryan
Ann Brinson
James Brinson
Jonathan Perkins
Ann Green
Moses Caten
George Carpenter
John Vendrick
Thomas Cuthrell
Samuel Hoover Ser.
Susannah Carraway
Thomas Simmons
Hezekiah Johnston
Lucretia Price
Avery Bowden
Joseph Norten
Cason Brinson
Gideon Tingle
William Dixon
Henry Hoover
Jacob Jones
Samuel Smith
Elizabeth Tingle
John Burch
Sarah Bryan
Isaac Barrington
Sarah Winfield
James Witen
Harmon Gaskins
William Whitford
Thomas Whitford
James Arthur
Jurden Griffin (or Judea Griffin – sp?)

p. 355

Francis Willis
Thomas Gaskins
Joshua Gatlin
John Gatlin
John Bedscot
William Granberry
Joseph Willis
Henry Truwhitt
Coventon Searls
William Hartley
William Lawley
Martin Whitford
James Willis
William Clark
Elizabeth Lewis
Jacob Ipock
James Gatlin
Moses Ernul
John Ipock
Samuel Willis Junr.
Edmund Pearce
Joseph Willis
Simon Bexley
Ann Gaskins
David Gatlin
Caleb Willis
Samuel Willis Senr.
John Harris
John Morgan
Aaron Ernul
Edmund Pearce
James Willis Junr. (or Senr. ?)
Thomas Harris
William Wain
Stephen Hill
John Bright
Lazarus Gatlin
Francis Dunn
James Reel
Arenton King
John Clark
William Gaskins
Abraham Warren

p. 356

John Thomas
Dennis Perdew
Zebulon Rice
John Willis
Edward Williams
Abraham Warren Junr.
Andrew Morgan
Stockwell Bright
Thomas Walker
Solomon Tingle
John Gatlin
Matthias Taylor
Thomas Willis
Joshua Willis
Edward Gatlin
John Dunn
Peter Ipock

Poll Taxes as follows

[Column 1]

John Caton
Willim White
(name torn)
Richd Horsends
James Snow
William Caton
John Parkinson
John Scott
Thos. Muckle
James Price
Abraham Harper
Married Men

[Column 2]

James Reed
Edmund Perkins
Israel Tingle
Hezekiah Hollis
James Hoover
Thomas Harper
John Cuthrell
Zachariah Hollis
Amos Cuthrill
Abraham Vendrick
John Harper
Samuel Hoover
Jesse Willis
Single Men

[Column 3]

Richard Willis
James Mandley
William McIntosh
William Hill
Joseph King
David Hill
Ezekiel Everton
Married Men


David Pearce – Single man

A True Copy
Christr. Neale C.C.

p. 357

North Carolina Craven County. A list of the assessment in the District No. 4 for the Year 1779. Returned by Thos. Shine, Francis Delamar & Thomas Delamar, Assessors.

  1. William Carraway
  2. Joseph Crispin
  3. Francis Sparrow
  4. Sidney Crispin
  5. Ja. Clayton
  6. Thomas Pearson
  7. Thomas Nelson
  8. Mary Oliver
  9. James Conway
  10. Elizabeth Fulsher
  11. John Biggs
  12. Jos. Good
  13. Wm. Carraway Dr.
  14. Jno. Biggs Junr.
  15. Saml Sparrow
  16. Fra. Bond
  17. William Bush
  18. Ann Bryan
  19. William Shine
  20. Charles Chaneawulf (sp?)
  21. Wm. Whitley
  22. John Biggs
  23. Elizabeth Dawson
  24. Joshua Fulsher
  25. Mary Hayson? Widow?
  26. Bradly Craven

p. 358

  1. Joseph Atherly
  2. Thos. Carraway
  3. William Dawson
  4. Ja. Nelson
  5. Abel Broughton
  6. William Dawson
  7. John Carraway
  8. Elijah Thomas
  9. Wm. Clayton
  10. Joseph Edmondson
  11. Thomas Sparrow
  12. Roderick Sparrow
  13. Joseph Green
  14. Jesse Fulsher
  15. Jno. Broton
  16. Mason Lewis
  17. Eli Hudson
  18. John Murrow
  19. Joseph Carraway
  20. Anthony Moore
  21. Jesse Vendrick
  22. Vinton Carmady
  23. George Paris
  24. Nathl. Carraway
  25. Ephraim Fulsher
  26. Francis Ackis
  27. Ebenezer Gutry
  28. Elizabeth Bush
  29. John Neal
  30. Barbary Ackis
  31. James Wharton
  32. Joseph Brooks
  33. David Wharton
  34. John Tillman

p. 359

  1. Joshua Broadwater
  2. John Riggs
  3. Wm. Brooks
  4. Thomas Wharton
  5. Lewis Whethington?
  6. Gideon Rice
  7. John Carruthers
  8. Joseph Lewis
  9. Jesse Bryan
  10. Nancy Fipps
  11. Nathaniel Draper
  12. Needham Bryan
  13. Thomas Willis
  14. Jacob Lewis
  15. John Avery
  16. Miller Riggs
  17. George Paul
  18. Job Ives
  19. Rebecah Spring
  20. Lydia Fulsher
  21. John Paul
  22. John Morris
  23. Joseph Tingle
  24. Jeremiah Willis
  25. Reuben Hammontree
  26. Elizabeth Harper
  27. John Ives
  28. Thos. Clayton
  29. Jesse Holton
  30. Nathan Stanbeck
  31. Abel McBay

p. 360

  1. Nathaniel Fipps
  2. Aron Carraway
  3. Nathaniel Lewis
  4. Jane Squires
  5. Ephraim Rice
  6. John Mews
  7. Hopkins Waterman
  8. Giles Riggs
  9. John Martin
  10. George Holton
  11. Thomas Bateman?
  12. Hezekiah McCotter
  13. James Ball
  14. Amos Squires
  15. John Wright
  16. John Mollison
  17. Febbin Gilgow
  18. William Willcocks
  19. Boaz Squires
  20. Samuel Harrison


Poll Tax Married Men

  1. Joshua Lewis
  2. Harmon Hukins
  3. Joseph Hill
  4. Peter Horsends
  5. James Willcocks
  6. Robert Brothers
  7. Joshua Lindsay
  8. Charles Howard
  9. John Savege

Poll Tax Single Men

  1. Griffin Hammontree
  2. William Ives
  3. Major Lewis
  4. Shadrack Riggs
  5. Francis Delemar Junr.
  6. William Simmons
  7. Thomas Carraway Junr.
  8. Richard Cary

p. 361

Pursuant to an Order of Court Appointing the Subscribers ??? in the Districts of Capt. Adams Tooley & Capt. John Carney formerly by Capt. John Nelson met and do assess as follows (Viz)

Richard Dobbs Spaight
Whitfield Barlow
Jonathan Baley
John Foy
Thomas Lovick
John Hawks
Thomas Evans
Ann Lovick
Absalom Taylor
Samuel Chapman
John Norwood
Joseph Bishop
Richard Foscue
William Ives River Shore
Two Negroes belonging to the Estate of George Lovick Dec. in the Possession of the above William Ives and not given is valued to … 800
John Porter
John Dunn?
William Ives Brices Creek
John Toulson?
John Dunn Junr.
Thomas Dunn
Henry Sikes
Joseph Loftin
Frances Stewart
Edward Murphey
Edward Murphey Adm. of Elizabeth Ellis
Charles Jones
Obediah Allways
Bazell Smith
640 Acres Land on Mount Pleasant in the care of Bazell Smith
Thomas Roe Guardian to Leonard Acreman
Jacob Sykes
William Winn
George Perkins
Roger Bradshaw
John Ives
Peter Physioc
Peter Physioc Exr. of Luke Roe
Benjamin Towlson
Abraham Jones Poll Tax Married Man
James Handcock Junr.
Littleton Davis
William Sheppard Foster
David Guard Poll Tax Married Man
Henry Allways
Thomas Stampton
James Bishop
One Negroe belonging to the Estae of John Lovick Decd in the Poss. of Henry Sikes not given in.

p. 362

Thomas Bradshaw
Thomas Smith
John Knox
John Bishop …. Quaker
John Bishop and John Turner Exer of Leonard Loftin Dec’d
John Taylor
John Shapley Poll Tax Married Man
Bryan Cavener
Thomas Roe
Thomas Roe Guardian to Sarah Acreman
John Winham Poll Tax Married Man
Sarah Bootey
Prichard Williams Poll Tax Married Man
Morgan Smith Sanders Poll Tax Married Man
William Handcock
Riger Handcock
John Goodson Langworthy Poll Tax Married Man
Cason Styron
John Foster Poll Tax Married Man
Joshua Taylor
Stephen Henry
Edward Young Single Man
A Negroe Man belonging to Roger Jones in the Possession of Edward Young not given in
Charles Johnston
Charles Johnston Guardian to Sarah Masters
Charles Johnston Do to Anne Masters
Charles Johnston Do to Joseph Masters
James Handcock Senr.
William Dunn
John Fooker
Matthew Stevens
John Hall
John Whitehead Poll Tax Married Man
John Roe
William Porter Poll Tax Married Man
John Riggs
Joshua Burkenshell Poll Tax Married Man
Perrin Almond
Perrin Almond Guardian to his Brother & Sister (Quakers)
William Jeasop?
Daniel Frzier Poll Tax Married Man Quaker
Jeremiah Parsons
Richard Hickman
William Stewart
Bartholomew Howard
Joseph Horsends Poll Tax Married Man
Thomas Parsons Junr.
Benjamin Cummings
Humphrey Smith

p. 363

Humphrey Smith Trustee for Richard Lancaster
Stephen Hains
Eli Nelson
Robert Young
Charles James
Charles James for Charles Rew
Solomon Northon
Stephen Wallis
James Cummings
John Cummings Poll Tax Married Man
John Pittman
Benjamin Wallis
John Martin Poll Tax Married Man
Richard Neale
James Royal
Thomas Nelson
Thomas Nelson Guardian to Joseph Moss
Slocomb Forguson
Slocomb Forguson Adm. to James Godfrey Dec’d
Richard Martin Wallis
Fracis Carraway
James Sampson
David Royal
Adam Ferguson
John Parsons Senr.
Beverly Rew
Mary Bartlett
Samuel Oliver
John Mason
John Parsons Junr.
William Biggs
James Seavern
John Bragg
Richard Wade
William Whitehouse
Robert Wallis
John Rooks
John Stanton
Jacob Copes Poll Tax Married Man
Joseph Masters
Henry Johnston
Francis Culley Poll Tax Married Man
Thomas Frazier Poll Tax Single Man Quaker
Roger Jones
Roger Jones Exr to John Walker
Evan Jones
Lovick Jones
William George
Benjamin Mason

p. 364

Thomas Masters
Enoch Masters
John Dukes Poll Tax Single Man
John Hambleton
Thomas Pittman
John Thomas
Thomas Cook
Samuel Cooke
Thomas Cook Junr.
Peter Duke
Nehemiah Cullen
James Duke Poll Tax Single Man
Thomas McLin
John Carney
John Carney Guardian to James Carney
John Carney Guardian to Sidney Carney
John Carney Guardian to the Heirs of John Cook Dec’d
James Tignor
Thomas Parsons Senr.
Richard Smith
Richard Smith for James Smith Dec’d
Abner Neale
Francis Horton Quaker
John Howard Quaker
Mary Pittman
James Jones
John Benner
John Young
Charles McLin
Richard Lovett
John Bryan
John Bryan Exr to Francis Dawson
John Bryan Exr to Christopher Dawson
John Bryan Guardian to Francis Shine
John Bryan Guardian to Timothy Tobey
John Bryan Guardian to Silas Kelsey

John Turner
John Nelson
Adam Tooley

A True Copy
Christopr Neale C.C.

p. 365

Persons Names of Capt. Charles Roaches and Capt Allens Company’s // Joseph Allen, Joseph Bryan, Lewis Jones Assessors

  1. William Adams
  2. Joel King
  3. Thomas Gatlin
  4. John Spiers Ser.
  5. Martha Cooper
  6. Jeremiah Warren
  7. Jonathan Atherly
  8. Stephen Worsley
  9. John Williams
  10. John Anderson Miller
  11. Charles James
  12. Benjamin Fillingim
  13. John Chapman
  14. Isaac Kemp
  15. Margaret Filligim
  16. Jarvis Fillingim
  17. Thomas Pollard
  18. Joseph Letchworth
  19. John Mitchell
  20. John Bryan
  21. John Butler
  22. Charles Roach
  23. David Sutton
  24. Charles Marshall
  25. Joseph James
  26. Hannah Kemp
    27 Samuel Fillingim
  27. William Williams
  28. Jonas Anderson
  29. David Adams
  30. Joshua Kemp
  31. William Lewis
  32. Thomas Fornes
  33. Joel Willis
  34. Jacob Blount
  35. Ann Harvey
  36. Ann Blackledge
  37. Elisha Baker
  38. Samuel Wiggins
  39. William Ha??
  40. Joseph Anderson
  41. Isaac Gardner
  42. Edward Gatlin
  43. Thomas Green
  44. Eleanor Yeomans
  45. Shadrach Gatlin
  46. William Fipps
  47. Weeks Chapman
  48. Hardy Gatlin
  49. John Smyth
  50. John Dubberly
  51. Jacob Phillips
  52. Arthur Butler
  53. William Smyth
  54. Levi Gatlin
  55. Jeremiah King
  56. William Wherry
  57. David Roach
  58. Joseph Campbell
  59. James Campbell
  60. Anthony Wherry
  61. Francis Roundtree
  62. William Jarrel
  63. Isaac McKinney
  64. Charles Taylor
  65. John Nelson
  66. William Dubberly
  67. Eliazer Nelson
  68. Willoughby Adams
  69. John Hill
  70. William Nelson
  71. Jacob Johnston
  72. John Fillingim
  73. Aaron Cox
  74. Anthony Mills
  75. Micajah Patrick

p. 366

  1. Ruth Fornes
  2. Thomas Slaughter
  3. Joseph Charlton
  4. John Pollard
  5. Peter Anderson
  6. Thomas Murphey
  7. John Anderson SEnr.
  8. Hardy Nelson
  9. Thomas Anderson
  10. Solomon Oliver
  11. Elizabeth Letchworth
  12. Robert Fillingim
  13. George Nelson
  14. John Kearney
  15. Jacob Warren
  16. William Butler
  17. William Winnum
  18. Richard Manker
  19. Nathan Hendricks
  20. Ezekiel Adams
  21. John Avery
  22. Jacob Jarral
  23. William Jarral Wicked
  24. Horsington Warren

Married Men Poll Tax

  1. William Tyre
  2. Abraham Ernul
  3. Joseph Ernul
  4. Benjamin Beesley
  5. John Summers
  6. James Jarrel
  7. Thomas Worth

Single Men Poll Tax

  1. Charles Anderson
  2. Jeremiah Barns
  3. Thomas Brown
  4. Charles Butler
  5. John Spiers
  6. Levy Cox
  7. Abraham Cox
  8. Henry Kite Married
  9. Thomas Kemp
  10. Sacker Dubberly


Capt. Allens Company begins

  1. Thomas Coleman
  2. John Allum
  3. Henry Jarrel Junr.
  4. Edward Cannon Senr.
  5. Benjamin Hickman
  6. Rachel Rountree
  7. Henry Cannon Senr.
  8. Henry Jarrel Senr.
  9. Joseph Peters
  10. John Jackson Junr.
  11. Samuel Grainger
  12. Britain King
  13. John Jackson SEnr.
  14. George Browning
  15. Thomas Philips
  16. Joseph Jackson
  17. Edward Patrick
  18. Ann Causey
  19. Caleb Wiggins
  20. David Smyth
  21. Elizabeth Cannon
  22. Elizabeth Wingate
  23. Thomas Melvin
  24. Moses Spivey
  25. John Maglohorn Junr.
  26. Edward Clark
  27. Hugh Pugh Senr.
  28. Etheldred Peters
  29. Joseph Jackson Senr.
  30. William Dunmark
  31. Miles Hutchens
  32. Samuel Smyth
  33. Daniel Browning
  34. William Stafford
  35. William Moore
  36. George Truluck
  37. Thomas Tuttle Senr.
  38. William Murphy
  39. Thomas Fish
  40. Robert Weatherington
  41. Walter Jones
  42. Henry Smith
  43. John Rountree
  44. Robert Hutchens
  45. Edward Ross
  46. Willis Ship
  47. John Philips
  48. Hugh Pugh Senr.
  49. John HArdy
  50. David Cannady Senr.

p. 367

  1. Hardy Cooker
  2. John Wheeler
  3. Thomas Tuten Junr.
  4. William Quinney
  5. Jesse Smyth
  6. Joseph Homes (Joseph Holmes)
  7. John Browning
  8. Shadrach Tuten
  9. John Wiggins
  10. William Clark
  11. William Jordan
  12. David Fife
  13. Edward Cannun large
  14. John Moore
  15. Benjamin Allen
  16. Frederick Jarrel
  17. William Thomas
  18. George Turnage
  19. Joseph Smyth
  20. David Cummings
  21. Daniel Weatherington
  22. Jacob Fulsher
  23. Edward Gardner Senr.

Married Men Poll Tax

  1. Charles Ross
  2. Peregrin Browning
  3. Mary Lines
  4. William Bentley
  5. Sarah Tuten
  6. Millister Quinnily

Single Men Poll Tax

  1. David Cannady Junr.
  2. Mason Brooms
  3. John Ship
  4. James Coleman
  5. Zachariah Tuten
  6. Shadrack Quinily
  7. Joseph Taylor
  8. Jeremiah Macglohorn
  9. John Grubs
  10. John Cannady
  11. John Cummings
  12. Henry Cannon Junr.
  13. Thomas Philips Junr.
  14. Thomas Moy
  15. Elijah Chance
  16. Levin Ross
  17. Samuel Bran???
    The Estate of Shadrach Allen Dec’d not given in by the Executors by the Assessation Last Year was about Eight Thousand Pounds to…
  18. John Allen and Shadrach Allen
    Executors of the aforesaid estate
  19. Jesee Gardner
  20. Edward Gardner
  21. James Moore not given in Married Men
  22. James Phillips not given in Poll Tax
  23. Wm. Barret not given in young man’s poll tax

Winney James
Benjamin Williams
Jonathan Citral


  1. Marilyn Surles Merkle

    Thank you for transcribing all these names. This is invaluable information for researchers.

  2. Edward Rose

    Hi Sara! My name is Edward Rose. Our paternal as well as maternal sides of our families all go back to eastern North Carolina. I look forward to searching your site for useful information to add to the family tree.
    You have done a great job and should be proud of your accomplishments!

    Sincerely, Edward Rose
    mobile 256-566-0147


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