David Kite drowns in Swift Creek, reported by Sarah Averitt (Craven County) – 1828

by | Jan 5, 2019 | 0 comments

(Note: This was originally published on March 15, 2016, but I have updated it with relationship information and a list of the actual spellings of the names in this transcription.)

The spellings in the following transcription are true to what was there, but they are abysmal in comparison to the actual names. The individuals named below are as follows:

  • Frederick BUTLER (b. 1798, son of Arthur BUTLER & Sarah JOHNSON, brother of Sarah AVERITT; m. Delia ABRAMS)
  • Aaron ATKINSON
  • Jesse ATKINSON
  • John CHAPMAN (b. 1780, son of Weeks CHAPMAN and Sarah “Sallie” GATLIN; m. Hannah GASKINS)
  • Sarah AVERITT (b. 1786, maiden name Sarah BUTLER, daughter of Arthur BUTLER & Sarah JOHNSON, sister of Frederick BUTLER mentioned above, widow of David AVERITT)
  • David KITE
  • Samuel WIGGINS (b. abt 1777, son of Samuel WIGGINS, Sr. and wife Elizabeth; m. Mary BUTLER, sister of Sarah Butler AVERITT)
  • Charles ANDERSON  (Not sure if this was the father or the son. The father was born about 1775 and married Letitia “Lishy” PRESCOTT. The son was born about 1800 and married Margaret “Peggy” GRIFFIN.)
  • James McINTOSH (b. abt 1767, possibly son of William McINTOSH Jr.; m. Susan ANDERSON)
  • Isaac GARDNER
  • Benjamin BENTLEY
  • Benjamin VENTERS (b. abt 1800; m. Malsey GWALTNEY)
  • Church CHAPMAN (b. 1781)
  • John SUTTON (b. abt 1800; m. Lisha ANDERSON, daughter of Charles ANDERSON & Letitia “Lishy” PRESCOTT mentioned above.)
  • Alfred CHAPMAN (b. abt 1783; son of Weeks CHAPMAN and Sarah “Sallie” GATLIN, brother of John CHAPMAN mentioned above.)
  • Southy WITHERINGTON (b. 22 Oct 1775; son of Stephen WITHERINGTON; m1. Polly ANDERSON, m2. Mary “Polly” PRESCOTT.)
  • Horatio GWALTNEY (b. abt 1791; son of Benjamin GWALTNEY and Rachel JARRELL; m. Barbara PEARCE)
  • Enoch AVERITT (stepson of Sarah Butler AVERITT, son of the late David AVERITT; married Leta McINTOSH)

David Kight, Coroner’s Inquest, 1828

Found in the Craven County Coroner’s Inquests, CR 028.913.1; NC Archives, Raleigh, NC.

Contributed by Roger Kammerer to PCGQ May 2013 issue.

[Editor’s Note: The name ‘Kight’ refers to what today is known as the common Vanceboro surname ‘KITE’. – SW]

State of North Carolina Craven County } this day personally Came Frederick BUTLER and Aaron ATKINSON Jesse ATKINSON before me John CHAPMAN Eqr on of the Justices of the peace in and for the County aforesaid and also before the Jury of Inquest over the dead body of David KIGHT and after being duly Sworn on the holy Evenjalist of almity God they all deposeteth and Sayeth that they went to Sarah AVERETTS hous on Sunday morning of the 16 day of November 1828 and that Mrs AVERITT Informed them that David KIGHT Left her hous on Saterday morning Early and that She was afraid that Something had happened to him and wished them to go and Look for him and these deponants went to the Creek and found the gun standing by a tree and these deponants then Concluded that Said KIGHT was Certainly drounded and these deponants then fyered Several Guns over the water and at Length Said KIGHT Ris and they found him and maid him fast until a Jury Could be got and further these deponants Sayeth not Sworn to the 17th day of November 1828


Frederick (his mark) BUTLER
Aaron (his mark) ATKINSON


State of North Carolina Craven County} This day personally Came Sarah AVERITT before me John CHAPMAN Esqr one of the Justices of the peace in and for the County aforesaid and also before the Jury of Inquest held over the dead body of David KIGHT and after being duly Sworn on the holey Evenjalist of allmity God She deposeteth and Sayeth that the Said David KIGHT had Lived Some time in hur hous and on the 15th day of November 1828 the Said KIGHT got up in the morning very Early and took his gun and Said he was Going to kil Sum ducks in the Creek and Som time after Said KIGHT had bin gon this deponant heard a gun and the Said KIGHT never Returned no more that day and the next morning this deponant Says that She greu uneasy and gave the allarm that Something must have happened to him and further this deponant Sayeth notSworn to before me in Swifts Creek near the hous of Sarah AVERITT on the 17 day of November 1828


Sarah (hur S mark) AVERITT


State of North Carolina Craven County } An Inquisition indented taken at Swifts Creek near the hous of Sarah AVERITT in the Said of County on the 17 day ofNovember AD 1828 before John CHAPMAN one of the acting Justices of the peace in and for the County aforesaid upon the view of the body of David KIGHT then and there Lying dead upon the oaths of Samuel WIGGINS Charles ANDERSON James MCINGTUSH Isaac GARDENER Benjamen BENTLEY Benjamin VENTERS Church CHAPMAN John SUTTON Alfred CHAPMAN Sauthy WETHERANTON Horasta GUALTNEY Enuch AVERITT Good & Lawfull men of the County afore Said who being Sworn and Chargeed to Inquier on the part of the State afore Said when where how and after what manner the Said David KIGHT Came to his death do, Say upon there Oath that the Said David KIGHT being alone in Swifts Creek in Said County and accidintly drounded him Self and to the best of their opinion the Said David KIGHT accidently drounded him Self

Given under our hands day & date above

Enoch AVRITT  [Ed. note: Enoch Averitt/Avery]
Ch CHAPMAN  [Ed. note: Church Chapman]
Hortis GWARTNEY [Ed. note: Horatio Gwaltney]
Benjamin BENTLEY
Benjamin VENTERS
Southe WITHERINGTON  [Ed. note: Southey Witherington]
James MCINTOUSH  [Ed. note: James McIntosh]


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