Bible Records

Carraway-Hardison Bible Records

Carraway-Hardison Bible Records

The following comes from Pitt County Genealogical Quarterly, Vol. 4 (February 1997). From photocopy of original contributed by Martha M. Marble; original owned by Carolyn Riddle of Springfield, Illinois. (No title pages.) It also appeared in OldeDobbs Trail, Vol. II,...

Arthur Butler Family Bible Record

Arthur Butler Family Bible Record

This Bible record may have been written by Sarah "Sally" Johnson Butler, as Arthur Butler was already deceased by the time this particular Bible was printed in 1829. What a treasure this is, as first of all, it sets Arthur and Sally's marriage much earlier than...

MACKLEROY Bible Record

A copy of this Bible Record may be seen at Craven Regional Library in New Bern. [First Page] [first portion is illegible] Son of John Muckelroy and Sarah his wife who was Born in the yeare of our Lord god one Thousand Seven hundred and Sixty Eight December The twenty...