Laban MORRIS to Hiram POLLARD – Deed, 1815

by | Nov 28, 2013 | 0 comments

(Transcribed by Sara Whitford)

This Indenture made this sixteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, Between Laban Morris of the State of North Carolina and County of Craven of the one part, and Hiram Pollard of the same State and County aforesaid of the other part. Witnefseth that the said Laban Morris, for and in consideration of the sum of two hundred dollars to him in hand paid by the said — by the said Hiram Pollard, Hath bargained, sold aliened, infcoffed, conveyed and confirmed and by these presents do bargain, sell, alien, iscoff, convey and confirm unto the said Hiram Pollard a certain piece or parcel of land, Situate lying and being in the County of Craven aforesaid, on the North side of Nuse River, and illegible side of Mall’s Swamp, Beginning at a Pine nearthe head of Watery branch in or near Bryan’s line, running So 80 Et 101 Poles to a lightwood, illegible near a Medow, then No 220 poles to a Pine, in or near John Nelsons line, then No 77 W 206 poles to a stake near a small drain, and near Eliazer Nelson’s Corner two Pines, then with a Straight line to the beginning containing two hundred acres, patent bearing date 24th January 1783. Reference being had there unto will more fully appear of Record, which said piece or parcel of land the said Laban Morris purchased of the Heirs of Hardy Gatlin Esquire deceased in the year one thousand eight hundred and fourteen, as by deed will appear, bearing date 17th May. To have and to hold to him the said Hiram Pollard his heirs and afsigns for ever the above bargained land and premises. Together with all and singular the Hereditament and appurtenances to the same belonging, or in any wise appertaining to him the said Hiram Pollard his heirs and afsigns. And I the said Laban Morris for myself and each of my heirs doth covenant to and with the said Hiram Pollard, his heirs and afsins to defend unto the said Hiram Pollard the above described tract or parcel of land, against the lawful claim of each of my heirs and from the further claims of any person, claiming by, from or under me. In testimony where of, I the said Laban Morris hath hereunto set my hand & seal the date above written.       Laban Morris {seal}

State of North Carolina
Craven County
Court of Pleas & Quarter Sefsions of December Term A.D. 1815

Signed Sealed and Deli. in presence of           Charles Butler

Then was the Execution of the foregoing Deed proved in open court and in due form of law by the oath of Charles Butler subscribing Witness thereto.

Ordered that said Deed be Registered.

Attn: J. G. Stanly C.C.


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