1742 Land Grant to John CARRUTHERS

by | Jun 1, 2011 | 0 comments

From Craven County Book of Deeds (Vol 1), p. 156-157

North Carolina. Whereas by virtue of an act of assembly made and passed at Edenton on the fourth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & twenty three an act for the beter ordering and regulating of the Town of Newbern in Craven precinct now called Craven County, Cullen Pollock, Richard Graves and William Handcock esquires were appointed commissioners for the said town to sell or make over any lot or lots in the said Town not already purchased or secured by any other person. And in & by the sd act it is provided that if either of the aforesaid commissioners should die, that the other two with consent of the precinct court of Craven, should apoint another commissioner in the room and stead of the deceased. Whereupon pursuant to the said act, Walter Lane esquire was appointed in the room and stead of Richard Grave aforesaid who is deceased. The said act of assembly further allowing that any two of the three commissioners shall have full power and authority to sell & make over any lot or lots as aforesaid as in and by the said act relation being thereunto had may more fully appear. To all whom these presents shall come know ye that we Walter Lane and William Handcock for and in consideration of the sum of Four pounds to us in hand paid by John Carruthers the receipt whereof we do hereby acknowledge have given, granted, bargained and sold unto the Sd John Carruthers and to his heirs and assigns forever Four lots in the said Town. Beginning at a corner between Handcock Street and Pollock Street and runs up Pollock Street So 85 West twenty six pole to Metcalf Street so. up the said street No 10 Et Thirteen pole then No 86 Et Twnety six pole to Handcock Street and so down the said street to the beginning. Containing two acres of land more or less and are known in the plan of the Town by No 95, 96, 97 & 98.

To have and to hold the said lots with all and singular the profits, priviledges, benefits, advantages thereunto belonging or in anywise appurtaining or that herafter may be granted to the said Town. Also the privilege of getting all firewood and Timber that he shall use in the said town or any part of the land laid out or designed for the use of the said town or that hereafter be laid out for the use of the said town, to the said John Carruthers his heirs & assigns forever. The said John Carruthers his heirs or assigns building one good habitable house on each lot of no less do mentions (dimensions) then twenty feet in length and fifteen feet in width without shed, within eighteen months from the day of the dates of these presents, otherwise the said lots or either of them so neglected shall revert and come to the said Cullen Pollock his heirs & c. and shall be free for any other person to take up. And we Walter Lane & William Handcock the aforesaid lots with all priviledges, benefits aforesaid unto the said John Carruthers his heirs & assigns against the claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever, claiming or to claim from, by or under us, or either of us or either of our heirs shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents according to the true intent and meaning of the aforesaid act of assembly, he the said John Carruthers, his heirs or assigns paying yearly and every year unto the said Cullen Pollock his heirs & c. one peppercorn if demanded. Provided also and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents that if the said John Carruthers his heirs or assigns or any other person whatsoever shall die in possession of the said lots and leave no heirs or make any legal disposal thereof then the said Lots or either of them with all appurtainances thereunto belonging shall revert and come to the said Cullen Pollock his Heirs & a. In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed our seals this 24 day of July Anno Dom 1742.

Walter Lane {SEAL}
Wm Handcock {SEAL}

Signed, sealed & delivered
in the presence of us
Jas. Durham }
John Irons }

The preceding was  transcribed by Sara Whitford for EastCarolinaRoots.com


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