Craven County Wills & Estate Papers 1746-1865

by | Feb 5, 2014 | 4 comments

This is the second series of Craven County Wills for which I have created a hyperlinked index of testators (at least to groupings by first letter of surname).

To use the index, simply look for the alphabetical grouping of names that you’d like to see, and by clicking on the link at the top of that list, you’ll jump right to that page. (Note: Links are subject to change if FamilySearch modifies their site. If that happens, just look for this collection under North Carolina Records Collections -> North Carolina, Probate Records, 1735-1970 -> Craven -> Wills, 1746-1865.)

This particular collection of Wills stops at the letter S. I’m not yet sure if there’s another collection that continues this one. If so, I’ll update this as soon as I’m able to index them.

PLEASE NOTE: The index below is mostly a repetition of the typed indices within the collection, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE LETTER “H.” The H’s seemed to have an entire page missing from the typed index within the body of the collection. Just for the sake of being thorough, if you are searching for an ancestor’s will, I suggest you go through all of the wills of the particular alphabetical grouping for that person’s surname, because it’s entirely possible that your ancestor’s name may have accidentally been overlooked by the person who originally made the indices. For instance, if you are looking for a “John GREEN,” then start at the page for “G” and click through all of the “G”-surnamed wills until you get to the index for “H” so that you can be sure your ancestor’s will wasn’t missed in the index.

From Victor T. Jones, Department Head of the Kellenberger Room at the New Bern library:

“These are SELECTIONS from the original wills (and estates) that were filmed for Archives in the early 1960s. In the 1990s, they filmed the COMPLETE series of original estates and original wills. Just because a person is not listed in the two series you have indexed does not necessarily mean they do not have a will or estate in Craven County.”

A’s begin on page 2

AARON, Ishmael 1850
ACKES, John 1778 (original and copy)
ACKIS, John 1765
AKERMAN, Fredrick 1772
ALLEN, Ann 1860
ALLEN, John 1795
ALLEN, John 1800
ALLEN, Joseph 1798 (date of will)
ALLEN, Shadrack 1780
ALLEN, Vine 1821 (date of will)
ALLEN, Walters P. 1843
ALLWAY, Frances 1765
ALMOND, Perrin 1780
ALWAY, Boneta 1815
ALWAY, Meshack 1841
ALWAY, Obediah 1813
ALWAY(S), Wealthy 1850
ALWAY, William W. 1835
ANDERS, Daniel 1866
ANDERSON, Charles 1785
ANDERSON, Jonas 1796
ANDERSON, William 1791
ANDREWS, John 1825
ANDREWS, Peter 1767
ANDREWS, Sarah 1841
ANTHONY, Catherine 1829
ARMSTRONG, Thomas 1804
ARNOLD, William 1799 (original and copy)
ARNOLD, William 1785 (original and copy)
ARTHUR, James 1790
ARTHUR, John 1817
ARTHUR, Mathew 1768
ASHART, Joseph 1768 (original and copy)
ASHBURY, Joseph 1781
ASHIN, Alice 1845
ATHERLY, Joseph 1769
ATHERLY, Sarah 1796
AUSTIN, Dinah 1835
AUSTIN, Thomas 1778
AVERITT, David 1828
AVERY, John 1803
AVERY, Rebeckah 1822

B’s begin on page 97

BATTLE, Ephraim 1798 (date of will)
BRATCHER, Susan A. 1866
BULL, Ambrose 1789 (date of will)

C’s begin on page 108

CANADY, Richard 1767
CANNON, Henry 1767
CARNEY, James 1807
CARNEY, John 1765
CARRAWAY, Asa 1811
CARRAWAY, Thomas 1769
CARRAWAY, William 1783
CARRUTHERS, Alexander 1816
CARRUTHERS, Clayton 1811 (original and copy)
CARRUTHERS, Eunice 1786
CARRUTHERS, William 1772 (date of will)
CARTER, Richard (letter containing his will dated 1807)
CAUSEY, John 1779 (date of will)
CHANCE, William 1767
CHAPMAN, John 1784
CLAYTON, James 1783
CLAYTON, Mary 1795
CLEMENTS, Thomas S. 1796
COLE, Thomas 1785
COLEMAN, Thomas 1791
COOK, John 1772
COOK, Thomas 1764 (original and copy)
COOR, James 1797
COWELL, Benjamin 1756
CRISPIN, Joseph 1774
CULLEN, Edmund 1765 (original and copy)
CUTHBERT, James G. 1831
CUTHERELL, Joshua 1781
CUTHRELL, Thomas 1784

D’s begin on page 188

DASS (DAPP), John 1764
DAVIS, James 1785
DAWSON, Christopher 1766
DAWSON, Francis 1807
DELAMAR, Thomas 1787
DOBBS, Arthur 1763 (date of will)
DEEN (DUN, DUNN), Demcy 1763 (date of will

E’s begin on page 212

EDMONDSON, Joseph 1788

There are no “F’s”

G’s begin on page 216

GARD, David 1783 (original and copy)
GASKINS, Harmon 1816
GASKINS, James 1812
GASKIN, William 1814
GASKINS, William 1839
GASTON, William 1844
GATLIN, Edward 1781
GATLIN, Elizabeth 1806
GATLIN, John 1766 (original and copy)
GATLIN, Shadrack 1833
GATLIN, William 1793
GATLIN, William 1823
GEORGE, David 1760 (date of will)
GEORGE, Previlla 1847 (or GEORGE, Prewilla)
GEORGE, Peter 1763 (date of will)
GEORGESON, Christian 1822
GIBBS, Jerry 1818
GIBSON, Archey 1819
GIBSON, Dexter 1837
GILL, Catharine 1803
GILL, John 1804
GILLESPIE, Catharine Jane 1848
GILLESPIE, Sarah 1833
GILSTRAP, Peter 1796
GLAIR, Peter 1762 (original and copy)
GLOVER, William 1761
GODETT, George 1803
GOODING, Furnifold Green 1798
GOODING, John 1810
GORRIE, John 1823
GRAINGER, William 1788
GRAVES, Richard 1774
GRAVES, Thomas 1767
GRAY, William 1784
GREEN, Elizabeth 1804
GREEN, Furnifold 1774
GREEN, James 1788
GREEN, John 1781
GREEN, John 1787
GREEN, John 1791
GREEN, Richard 1804
GRIFFIN, Benjamin 1777
GROVER, John 1838
GUTHRY, Benjamin 1759
GUTHRY, Ebenezer 1785
GWALTNEY, Thomas 1783

H’s begin on page 375

HALL, Benjamin 1839
HALL, Duran 1813
HALL, Emily 1838
HALL, George A. 1831
HALL, John 1830
HALL, John 1854
HALL, Joseph 1787
HALL, Joseph 1807 (original and copy)
HALL, Joseph 1807
HALL, Josephus 1843
HALL, Love 1848
HALL, Mary 1814
HALL, Salmon 1840
HALL, Thomas 1789
HAMBLETON, James 1791
HAMMONTREE, Griffin 1797
HANDCOCK, James 1781
HANDCOCK, William 1770 (date of will)
HARGETT, Frederick 1810
HARRIS, Henry H. 1800 (original and copy)
HARRIS, John 1801
HARRIS, Mary 1831
HARRIS, Stephen 1813
HARRIS, Thomas 1784
HARRIS, William 1803
HARRISON, William 1770
HARTLEY, Joseph 1806
HARVEY, Mary 1840
HATCH, Charles 1806
HATCH, Durant 1830
HATCH, Edmund 1770
HATCH, Edmund 1821
HEATH, Frederick 1819
HEATH, Henry 1798
HEATH, Jeremiah 1798
HEATH, John 1771
HEATH, Mary 1804
HEATH, Reuben 1798
HEATH, Rigdon 1799
HEATH, Shadrack 1816
HEATH, Thomas 1796
HEATH, William 1781
HENRY, Elizabeth 1825
HENRY, Hugh 1814
*** NOTE: The cluster of wills below do not show up in the typed index for the letter “H” ***
HENRY, Nehemiah 1777
HENRY, Robert 1819
HERBERT, Elles 1778
HERRITAGE, William Martin. 1808 (original and copy)
HICKMAN, Sarah 1818
HIGHMAN, Rachel 1795
HILL, Ann 1798 (date of will)
HILL, Ann 1800
HILL, David 1803
HILL, George 1823
HILL, John H. 1783
HILL, William 1811
HOBSON, Thomas 1769 (591)
HOLLY, James 1809
HOLTON, George 1790
HORSENDS, James 1792
HORTON, Parmenas 1770 (p. 606 – I think this is the most modern-looking handwriting I’ve ever seen in this era!)
HOUERS, Mary Magdelena 1762
HOUSTON, Frances 1794
HOWS (HOUSE, HOWE), Job 1748
HOWE, Joseph 1767
HUDNELL, Shapleigh 1777
**** END of unindexed “H” wills ***

HUNLEY, Mary 1777
HYMAN (HIAMAN), Garrat 1768
HYMAN, Peter 1781

There are no “I’s”

J’s begin on page 638

JOHNSON, Fredrick 1842
JOHNSON (JOHNSTON), Hezekiah 1784 (original and copy)
JOHNSON, Jacob 1806
JOHNSON, Mary 1818
JOHNSTON, Charles 1795
JOHNSTON, Esther 1858 (original and copy)
JOHNSTON, John 1840
JORDAN, Abraham 1827
JORDAN, Thomas 1796
JORDAN, William 1792

K’s begin on page 682

KAY, Elizabeth 1856
KEEF, Edmund 1799
KEITH, James 1763
KEMP, Mathais 1767
KING, Charles 1759 (date of will)
KING, Little 1804
KOONCE, Benjamin 1859
KOONCE, George 1772 (date of will)
KNOX, John 1805
KNOX, John 1817

L’s begin on page 713

LANE, George 1770
LANE, George 1771
LANE, George 1808
LANE, Lovin 1775
LANE, Nancy 1809
LANGFORD, Edwin 1761 (date of will)
LAWRENCE, Thomas 1784
LAWLEY, Nicholas 1777
LEE, John 1768
LEWIS, David 1772
LEWIS, Ellen 1803
LEWIS, Jacob 1796
LEWIS, John 1810 (original and copy)
LEWIS, Joseph 1774 (date of will)
LEWIS, Joseph 1800
LEWIS, Major 1803
LEWIS, Mason 1794
LEWIS, Nathaniel 1816
LEWIS, Nehemiah 1802
LEWIS, Patty 1815
LEWIS, Peter 1772
LEWIS, William 1838
LOFTIN, Cornelius 1762 (date of will)
LOFTIN, Leonard 1774
LOFTIN, Shadrach 1812
LOFTIN, Thomas 1794

M’s begin on page 799

MCKINNE, Joseph 1781
MACKUBIN, Samuel 1766
MAISON, Margaret 1769
MANNING, Pierce 1804
MARSHALL, Mary 1823
MARTIN, John 1785
MARTIN, Thomas 1766
MOORE, Mary 1765
MOORE, Mary 1766
MURFEY, Bridget 1775

N’s begin on page 838

NASH, Anna 1817
NIXON, Richard 1795

O’s begin on page 847

OLDY, Elizabeth 1786
OLIVER, John 1777
OLIVER, John 1777
OLIVER, Joseph 1817
OLIVER, Mary 1794
OLIVER, Richard P. 1840
OLIVER, Thomas 1811
OLIVER, William 1779
OUTLEN, Abraham 1801

There are no P’s

There are no Q’s

R’s begin on page 879

RATHBURN, Jacob 1794
REED, Hannah 1784
ROBERTSON, Walter 1778
ROOKE, Bartholomew 1790

S’s begin on page 900

STEWART, James 1802


Testators Alphabetical by First Name

Abraham JORDAN 1827
Abraham OUTLEN 1801
Alexander CARRUTHERS 1816
Alice ASHIN 1845
Ambrose BULL 1789
Ann ALLEN 1860
Ann HILL 1798
Ann HILL 1800
Anna NASH 1817
Archey GIBSON 1819
Arthur DOBBS 1763
Bartholomew ROOKE 1790
Benjamin COWELL 1756
Benjamin GRIFFIN 1777
Benjamin GUTHRY 1759
Benjamin HALL 1839
Benjamin KOONCE 1859
Boneta ALWAY 1815
Bridget MURFEY 1775
Catharine GILL 1803
Catharine Jane GILLESPIE 1848
Catherine ANTHONY 1829
Charles ANDERSON 1785
Charles HATCH 1806
Charles JOHNSTON 1795
Charles KING 1759
Christian GEORGESON 1822
Christopher DAWSON 1766
Clayton CARRUTHERS 1811
Cornelius LOFTIN 1762
Daniel ANDERS 1866
David AVERITT 1828
David GARD 1783
David GEORGE 1760
David HILL 1803
David LEWIS 1772
Demcy DUNN (DEEN DUN) 1763
Dexter GIBSON 1837
Dinah AUSTIN 1835
Duran HALL 1813
Durant HATCH 1830
Ebenezer GUTHRY 1785
Edmund CULLEN 1765
Edmund HATCH 1770
Edmund HATCH 1821
Edmund KEEF 1799
Edward GATLIN 1781
Edwin LANGFORD 1761
Elizabeth GATLIN 1806
Elizabeth GREEN 1804
Elizabeth HENRY 1825
Elizabeth KAY 1856
Elizabeth OLDY 1786
Ellen LEWIS 1803
Elles HERBERT 1778
Emily HALL 1838
Ephraim BATTLE 1798
Esther JOHNSTON 1858
Eunice CARRUTHERS 1786
Frances ALLWAY 1765
Frances HOUSTON 1794
Francis DAWSON 1807
Frederick HARGETT 1810
Frederick HEATH 1819
Fredrick AKERMAN 1772
Fredrick JOHNSON 1842
Furnifold Green GOODING 1798
Furnifold GREEN 1774
Garrat HYMAN (HIAMAN) 1768
George GODETT 1803
George A. HALL 1831
George HILL 1823
George HOLTON 1790
George KOONCE 1772
George LANE 1770
George LANE 1771
George LANE 1808
Griffin HAMMONTREE 1797
Hannah REED 1784
Harmon GASKINS 1816
Henry CANNON 1767
Henry H. HARRIS 1800
Henry HEATH 1798
Hezekiah JOHNSON (JOHNSTON) 1784
Hugh HENRY 1814
Ishmael AARON 1850
Jacob JOHNSON 1806
Jacob LEWIS 1796
Jacob RATHBURN 1794
James ARTHUR 1790
James CARNEY 1807
James CLAYTON 1783
James COOR 1797
James G. CUTHBERT 1831
James DAVIS 1785
James GASKINS 1812
James GREEN 1788
James HAMBLETON 1791
James HANDCOCK 1781
James HOLLY 1809
James HORSENDS 1792
James KEITH 1763
James STEWART 1802
Jeremiah HEATH 1798
Jerry GIBBS 1818
Job HOWE (HOWS) 1748
John ACKES 1778
John ACKIS 1765
John ALLEN 1795
John ALLEN 1800
John ANDREWS 1825
John ARTHUR 1817
John AVERY 1803
John CARNEY 1765
John CAUSEY 1779
John CHAPMAN 1784
John COOK 1772
John DAPP (DASS) 1764
John GATLIN 1766
John GILL 1804
John GOODING 1810
John GORRIE 1823
John GREEN 1781
John GREEN 1787
John GREEN 1791
John GROVER 1838
John HALL 1830
John HALL 1854
John HARRIS 1801
John HEATH 1771
John H. HILL 1783
John JOHNSTON 1840
John KNOX 1805
John KNOX 1817
John LEE 1768
John LEWIS 1810
John MARTIN 1785
John OLIVER 1777
John OLIVER 1777
Jonas ANDERSON 1796
Joseph ALLEN 1798
Joseph ASHART 1768
Joseph ASHBURY 1781
Joseph ATHERLY 1769
Joseph CRISPIN 1774
Joseph EDMONDSON 1788
Joseph HALL 1787
Joseph HALL 1807
Joseph HALL 1807
Joseph HARTLEY 1806
Joseph HOWE 1767
Joseph LEWIS 1774
Joseph LEWIS 1800
Joseph MCKINNE 1781
Joseph OLIVER 1817
Josephus HALL 1843
Joshua CUTHERELL 1781
Leonard LOFTIN 1774
Little KING 1804
Love HALL 1848
Lovin LANE 1775
Major LEWIS 1803
Margaret MAISON 1769
Mary CLAYTON 1795
Mary HALL 1814
Mary HARRIS 1831
Mary HARVEY 1840
Mary HEATH 1804
Mary Magdelena HOUERS 1762
Mary HUNLEY 1777
Mary JOHNSON 1818
Mary MARSHALL 1823
Mary MOORE 1765
Mary MOORE 1766
Mary OLIVER 1794
Mason LEWIS 1794
Mathais KEMP 1767
Mathew ARTHUR 1768
Meshack ALWAY 1841
Nancy LANE 1809
Nathaniel LEWIS 1816
Nehemiah HENRY 1777
Nehemiah LEWIS 1802
Nicholas LAWLEY 1777
Obediah ALWAY 1813
Parmenas HORTON 1770
Patty LEWIS 1815
Perrin ALMOND 1780
Peter ANDREWS 1767
Peter GEORGE 1763
Peter GILSTRAP 1796
Peter GLAIR 1762
Peter HYMAN 1781
Peter LEWIS 1772
Pierce MANNING 1804
Previlla GEORGE 1847
Rachel HIGHMAN 1795
Rebeckah AVERY 1822
Reuben HEATH 1798
Richard CANADY 1767
Richard CARTER 1807
Richard GRAVES 1774
Richard GREEN 1804
Richard NIXON 1795
Richard OLIVER P.
Rigdon HEATH 1799
Robert HENRY 1819
Salmon HALL 1840
Samuel MACKUBIN 1766
Sarah ANDREWS 1841
Sarah ATHERLY 1796
Sarah GILLESPIE 1833
Sarah HICKMAN 1818
Shadrach LOFTIN 1812
Shadrack ALLEN 1780
Shadrack GATLIN 1833
Shadrack HEATH 1816
Shapleigh HUDNELL 1777
Stephen HARRIS 1813
Susan A. BRATCHER 1866
Thomas ARMSTRONG 1804
Thomas AUSTIN 1778
Thomas CARRAWAY 1769
Thomas S. CLEMENTS 1796
Thomas COLE 1785
Thomas COLEMAN 1791
Thomas COOK 1764
Thomas CUTHRELL 1784
Thomas DELAMAR 1787
Thomas GRAVES 1767
Thomas GWALTNEY 1783
Thomas HALL 1789
Thomas HARRIS 1784
Thomas HEATH 1796
Thomas HOBSON 1769
Thomas JORDAN 1796
Thomas LAWRENCE 1784
Thomas LOFTIN 1794
Thomas MARTIN 1766
Thomas OLIVER 1811
Vine ALLEN 1821
Walter ROBERTSON 1778
Walters P. ALLEN 1843
Wealthy ALWAY(S) 1850
William W. ALWAY 1835
William ANDERSON 1791
William ARNOLD 1799
William ARNOLD 1785
William CARRAWAY 1783
William CARRUTHERS 1772
William CHANCE 1767
William GASKIN 1814
William GASKINS 1839
William GASTON 1844
William GATLIN 1793
William GATLIN 1823
William GLOVER 1761
William GRAINGER 1788
William GRAY 1784
William HANDCOCK 1770
William HARRIS 1803
William HARRISON 1770
William HEATH 1781
William Martin HERRITAGE 1808
William HILL 1811
William JORDAN 1792
William LEWIS 1838
William OLIVER 1779


  1. Yvette Porter Moore

    I believe that George, Previlla is actually “Prewilla”. She is my 4x Great Grandmother. She was Prewilla Cully and married Peter George.

    • Sara Whitford

      I apologize for taking so long to respond. Thank you for correcting the record here! Prewilla certainly is an interesting name. I will add your spelling so that folks can see both alternatives. 🙂

  2. Margaret

    What document show the parents of Nancy Dove born 1806 in Craven County North Carolina ?


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