Craven County Record of Wills (Loose) – 1760-1890

by | Feb 4, 2014 | 0 comments

I have been searching for some Craven County wills, and as I went through this great collection on, I figured I might as well create a hyperlinked index of testators, at least in groupings alphabetically.

To use the index, simply look for the alphabetical grouping of names that you’d like to see, and by clicking on the link at the top of that list, you’ll jump right to that page. (Note: Links are subject to change if FamilySearch modifies their site. If that happens, just look for this collection under North Carolina Records Collections -> North Carolina, Probate Records, 1735-1970 -> Craven -> Wills, 1760-1890. )

This particular collection of Wills stops at the letter T. I’m not yet sure if there’s another collection that continues this one. If so, I’ll update this as soon as I’m able to index them.

PLEASE NOTE: The index below is simply a repetition of the typed indices within the collection. I should note that I have found instances of wills being in some of these old collections that do not show up in the indices, and I have added them when I have found them. If you are searching for an ancestor’s will, I suggest you go through all of the wills of the particular alphabetical grouping for that person’s surname, because it’s entirely possible that your ancestor’s name may have accidentally been overlooked by the person who originally made the indices. For instance, if you are looking for a “John GREEN,” then start at the page for “G” and click through all of the “G”-surnamed wills until you get to the index for “H” so that you can be sure your ancestor’s will wasn’t missed in the index.

From Victor T. Jones, Department Head of the Kellenberger Room at the New Bern library:

“These are SELECTIONS from the original wills (and estates) that were filmed for Archives in the early 1960s. In the 1990s, they filmed the COMPLETE series of original estates and original wills. Just because a person is not listed in the two series you have indexed does not necessarily mean they do not have a will or estate in Craven County.”

INDEX – Craven County Record of Wills 1760-1890

A’s beginning at page 4

ALLEN, Eliza A. 1855
ALLEN, Susan 1865
ANDERSON, Enoch 1859
ANDERSON, Mary 1885
ARNOLD, Edward 1887
ARNOLD, William J. 1886

B’s beginning at page 33

BANKS, John 1884
BANKS, Liza 1860
BANKS, Peter 1860
BESS, Mary Ann 1860
BIRCH, Jacob no date
BOYD, John L. 1866
BRINSON, S. R. 1884
BRYANT, Ann 1868
BURCH, Jacob 1858
BURNEY, Joseph Ann 1868
BUTLER, Charles 1862

C’s beginning at page 70

CARRAWAY, Mary 1856
CHADWICK, Mary 1884
CHARLTON, Celatha 1844
CHEEKE, Thomas L. 1815
CHESNUT, John R. 1838
CHESNUT, Owen 1862
CIVIL, William 1781
CLARK, Deliverance 1844
CLARK, James 1806
CLARK, John 1808
CLARK, Nathaniel 1850
CLARK, William Frink 1819
CLARK, William 1796
CLEMENTS, John 1785
CLEMENTS, Thomas 1796
COCHRAN, John (Capt.) 1780
COLLIER, Thomas 1791
CONNERLY, William 1807
CONWAY, James 1770
CONWAY, William 1813
COOK, Fanny 1826
COOK, Harriet C. 1851
COOK, Jacob 1819
COOK, John 1785
COOK, Samuel 1822
COOK, Thomas 1784
COOK, Thomas 1798
COPPER, Gustavius 1788
COVINGTON, Isaac 1795
COX, Longfield 1783
COX, William 1802
CRATCH, Richard 1811
CRAWFORD, Virgil 1815
CRISPIN, Mary 1807
CULLEN, Jonathan 1757
CULLEN, Nehemiah 1795
CULLEY, Francis 1814
CULLY, John 1822
CUMMINS, Benjamin 1818
CURTIS, Julia 1842
CURTIS, Peter 1842
CURTIS, Peter 1842
CUTHBERT, Rachel 1855
CUTHRELL, James 1838
CUTTING, James S. 1800

D’s beginning at page 218

DALZELL, Mary 1785
DAUGHERTY, Daniel 1794
DAVIS, Briscoe 1792
DAVIS, Elizabeth 1885
DAVIS, James 1785
DAVIS, James 1797
DAVIS, Littleton 1786
DAVIS, Senas 1875
DAVIS, William 1802
DAWSON, Christopher 1774
DAWSON, Francis 1787
DAWSON, Levi 1812
DEAN, Eliza 1875
DEAN, Thomas 1761
DEBLINHAM, John 1761
DELAMAR, Francis 1799
DELAMAR, Smith 1842
DICKENSON, Levin 1809
DICKSON, James 1815
DIXON, Elijah 1811
DIXON, George 1801
DIXON, Solomon 1826
DOWDEN, William 1808
DOWDY, James 1810
DOWDY, Jesse 1818
DOWDY, John 1804
DOWDY, John 1834
DOWDY, William 1803
DREW, John 1791
DUBBERLY, Annabella 1803
DUBBERLY, Lacker 1837
DUBBERLY, William 1781
DUDLEY, Creed H. 1828
DUDLEY, Edward 1872
DUDLEY, Jacob 1823
DUDLEY, Samuel 1877
DUDLEY, Virginia 1873
DUDLEY, William 1831
DUKE, Peter 1771
DUNN, David 1785
DUNN, John 1783
DUNN, John 1816
DUNN, Walter 1800

E’s beginning at page 383

EASTER, Eliza B. 1845
EBONN, Nancy 1855
ECLINS (ECKLINS), Charles 1785
EDMUNDSON, Bryan 1794
EDMUNDSON, Bryan 1831
EDMUNDSON, Edward 1797
EGGLESTON, Benjamin 1784
ELLIS, Elijah 1884
ELLISON, Thomas 1811
ERNULL, Aaron 1799
ERNULL, Major F. 1849

F’s beginning at page 430*

FLANNAKIN, Elizabeth 1798

G’s beginning at page 434

GASKILL, Noah 1867
GASKINS, David 1860
GASTON, Margaret 1812
GATLIN, Thomas 1793
GILL, Frances 1859
GILL, Levi 1785
GODETT, George 1827
GOODING, Farnifold G. 1798
GODETT, William 1816
GRAHAM, Edward E. 1865
GRAY, Wesley 1867
GREEN, Furnifold 1804
GREEN, John 1865
GREEN, John 1865
GREEN, John 1865
GREEN, Joseph 1791
GREEN, Joseph 1824
GRIFFIN, Benjamin 1811
GRIFFIN, James 1859
GRIFFIN, Lewis 1832
GRIFFIN, William 1809
GRIFFIN, William 1853
GROVER, Elizabeth 1857
GROVER, Louisa 1868

H’s beginning at page 514

HALL, Joseph 1787
HALLINGS, Eunice 1795
HAMILTON, Bonatta 1837
HAMILTON, Mark 1809
HAMILTON, Mary 1829
HAMILTON, William 1816
HAMMONTREE, Enoch 1834
HANCOCK, Mary 1834
HANDCOCK, William 1854
HANNAH, John 1768
HARARD, Nancy 1828
HARDISON, Asa M. 1856
HARDISON, Charles 1807
HARDISON, Stephen F. 1853
HARGET, Abner 1817
HARGET, Elizabeth 1835
HARGET, Lucy 1857
HARKER, William 1822
HARPER, Ann 1815
HARPER, Peter 1815
HARRIS, Lirrick 1848
HARRISON, Maria M. 1847
HARRISON, Richard 1827
HARTLEY, Abner 1847
HARTLEY, Ann 1831
HARTLEY, John 1817
HARVEY, James 1767 (date of will)
HASKELL, Henry F. 1825
HASLEN, Margaret 1812
HASLEN, Thomas 1782
HASLEN , Thomas 1797
HATCH, Durant 1830
HATCH, Elizabeth 1847
HAWES, Elias 1841
HAWES, Sarah 1815
HAWLEY, Burton 1840
HAWLEY, Josiah 1801
HENRY, Hugh 1814
HENRY, William 1789 (date of will)
HILL, Alleyfare 1848
HILL, George 1823
HILL, Rachel 1831
HILL, Susan 1848
HOBSON, Thomas 1768
HOLLAND, Philemon 1842
HOLLAND, William 1834
HOLLEY, Richard 1809
HOLLIS, Isaac 1815
HOLLISTER, Janet T. 1850
HOLTON, Barzila 1841
HOLTON, Biggs 1839
HOLTON, George 1790
HOLTON, James 1822
HOLTON, Jesse 1819
HOMAN, Elizabeth 1849
HOOVER, Jesse E. 1858 (date of will)
HOOVER, William S. 1837
HORSENDS, James 1792
HORSENDS, Richard 1808
HOTTON, Parmenas 1772
HOVER, Samuel 1798
HOWARD, Robert 1760
HOWARD, Ruth 1790
HOXIE, Albert 1839
HUKILS, Vallentins 1760
HUKINS, Ann 1796
HUKINS, Hardy 1832
HUNLEY, Richard 1800
HUNTER, Ezekiel 1811
HUNTER, William C. 1837
HUNTINGTON, Olivia C. 1840
HUTSON, Eli 1789
HYMAN, James 1803
HYMAN, Michael 1791
HYMAN, Thomas 1807

I’s beginning at page 760*

IRVING, James 1790

J’s beginning at page 763*

JUSTICE, Ann Marie 1843

K’s beginning at page 767

KING, Joel 1799
KORNEGAY, Abraham 1810

L’s beginning at page 774

LANE, Daniel 1836
LANE, Hardy B. 1855

M’s beginning at page 782

MASTERS, Enoch 1847
MERRITT, Keziah 1811
MILER, William 1799
MORGAN, David 1781
MORRIS, Mary 1817
MORRIS, Nathan 1801
MORRIS, Thomas 1824
MORRIS, William L. 1831
MURPHEY, Guilford 1846

MC’s beginning at page 814

MCCOY, Hardy 1843
MECOY (MCCOY), Willis 1801
MCKAGG, James 1786
MCKINNEY, John M. 1854

N’s beginning at page 827

NEAL, Barre 1792
NEALE, Christopher 1784
NEALE, Philip 1818
NEIL, William 1814
NELSON, Arthur 1778
NELSON, Benjamin 1801
NELSON, Edward 1839
NELSON, Eli 1798
NELSON, Francis 1799
NELSON, George 1825
NELSON, Capt. John 1783
NELSON, John 1821
NELSON, John L. 1833
NELSON, Josephus 1838
NELSON, Rebecca 1801
NELSON, Thomas 1857
NELSON, Wiley M. 1856
NEWTON, Thomas N. 1835
NILOR, William Starkey 1788
NORTHAN, William 1774
NORTHUMB, Solomon 1780

O’s beginning at page 891

OFRAY, Matureen 1798
OGLESBE, John 1797
OGLESBE, William T. 1838
OLDEY, Elizabeth 1786
OTTERSON, Caleb 1804
OTTERSON, Malachi 1803

P’s beginning at page 908

PALMER, Obid 1856
PARRIS, John 1819
PARRIS, Zadock 1831
PARSONS, James 1809
PARSONS, Jeremiah 1807
PARSONS, John 1797
PARSONS, John 1826
PARSONS, Sarah 1842
PARSONS, Thomas Sr. 1795
PARSONS, Thomas Jr. 1799
PATTEN, John 1779 (date of will)
PEIRSON (PIERSON), Samuel 1774
PERKINS, William B. 1853
PHYSIOC, Thomas J. 1853
POWERS, Frederick 1817
PRICE, James 1798
PURIFY, Thomas 1800

There are no Q’s

R’s beginning at page 959

RICE, Evan 1806
RICE, James 1834
RICE, Mary 1819
RICHARDSON, Margaret 1823
RICHARDSON, Simon 1879
RIGGS, David 1796
RIGGS, Siles 1773
RIGGS, James 1826
RIGGS, John 1788
RIGGS, John 1810
RIGGS, John 1812
RIGGS, Wiley 1811
ROACH, David 1783
ROE, Thomas (partial) 1781

There are NO S’s

T’s beginning at page 998*

TALK, John 1832

Testators Alphabetical by First Name

Aaron ERNULL 1799
Abner HARGET 1817
Abner HARTLEY 1847
Abraham KORNEGAY 1810
Albert HOXIE 1839
Alleyfare HILL 1848
Ann BRYANT 1868
Ann HARPER 1815
Ann HARTLEY 1831
Ann HUKINS 1796
Ann Marie JUSTICE 1843
Annabella DUBBERLY 1803
Arthur NELSON 1778
Asa M. HARDISON 1856
Barre NEAL 1792
Barzila HOLTON 1841
Benjamin CUMMINS 1818
Benjamin EGGLESTON 1784
Benjamin GRIFFIN 1811
Benjamin NELSON 1801
Biggs HOLTON 1839
Bonatta HAMILTON 1837
Briscoe DAVIS 1792
Bryan EDMUNDSON 1794
Bryan EDMUNDSON 1831
Burton HAWLEY 1840
Caleb OTTERSON 1804
Capt. John NELSON 1783
Celatha CHARLTON 1844
Charles BUTLER 1862
Charles ECLINS (ECKLINS) 1785
Charles HARDISON 1807
Christopher DAWSON 1774
Christopher NEALE 1784
Creed H. DUDLEY 1828
Daniel DAUGHERTY 1794
Daniel LANE 1836
David DUNN 1785
David GASKINS 1860
David MORGAN 1781
David RIGGS 1796
David ROACH 1783
Deliverance CLARK 1844
Durant HATCH 1830
Edward ARNOLD 1887
Edward DUDLEY 1872
Edward EDMUNDSON 1797
Edward E. GRAHAM 1865
Edward NELSON 1839
Eli HUTSON 1789
Eli NELSON 1798
Elias HAWES 1841
Elijah DIXON 1811
Elijah ELLIS 1884
Eliza A. ALLEN 1855
Eliza DEAN 1875
Eliza B. EASTER 1845
Elizabeth DAVIS 1885
Elizabeth FLANNAKIN 1798
Elizabeth GROVER 1857
Elizabeth HARGET 1835
Elizabeth HATCH 1847
Elizabeth HOMAN 1849
Elizabeth OLDEY 1786
Enoch ANDERSON 1859
Enoch MASTERS 1847
Eunice HALLINGS 1795
Evan RICE 1806
Ezekiel HUNTER 1811
Fanny COOK 1826
Farnifold G. GOODING 1798
Frances GILL 1859
Francis CULLEY 1814
Francis DAWSON 1787
Francis DELAMAR 1799
Francis NELSON 1799
Frederick POWERS 1817
Furnifold GREEN 1804
George DIXON 1801
George GODETT 1827
George HILL 1823
George HOLTON 1790
George NELSON 1825
Guilford MURPHEY 1846
Gustavius COPPER 1788
Hardy HUKINS 1832
Hardy B. LANE 1855
Hardy MCCOY 1843
Harriet C. COOK 1851
Henry F. HASKELL 1825
Hugh HENRY 1814
Isaac COVINGTON 1795
Isaac HOLLIS 1815
Jacob BIRCH no date
Jacob BURCH 1858
Jacob COOK 1819
Jacob DUDLEY 1823
James CLARK 1806
James CONWAY 1770
James CUTHRELL 1838
James S. CUTTING 1800
James DAVIS 1785
James DAVIS 1797
James DICKSON 1815
James DOWDY 1810
James GRIFFIN 1859
James HARVEY 1767
James HOLTON 1822
James HORSENDS 1792
James HYMAN 1803
James IRVING 1790
James MCKAGG 1786
James PARSONS 1809
James PRICE 1798
James RICE 1834
James RIGGS 1826
Janet T. HOLLISTER 1850
Jeremiah PARSONS 1807
Jesse DOWDY 1818
Jesse HOLTON 1819
Jesse E. HOOVER 1858
Joel KING 1799
John BANKS 1884
John L. BOYD 1866
John R. CHESNUT 1838
John CLARK 1808
John CLEMENTS 1785
John COCHRAN (Capt.) 1780
John COOK 1785
John CULLY 1822
John DOWDY 1804
John DOWDY 1834
John DREW 1791
John DUNN 1783
John DUNN 1816
John GREEN 1865
John GREEN 1865
John GREEN 1865
John HANNAH 1768
John HARTLEY 1817
John M. MCKINNEY 1854
John NELSON 1821
John L. NELSON 1833
John OGLESBE 1797
John PARRIS 1819
John PARSONS 1797
John PARSONS 1826
John PATTEN 1779
John RIGGS 1788
John RIGGS 1810
John RIGGS 1812
John TALK 1832
Jonathan CULLEN 1757
Joseph Ann BURNEY 1868
Joseph GREEN 1791
Joseph GREEN 1824
Joseph HALL 1787
Josephus NELSON 1838
Josiah HAWLEY 1801
Julia CURTIS 1842
Keziah MERRITT 1811
Lacker DUBBERLY 1837
Levi DAWSON 1812
Levi GILL 1785
Levin DICKENSON 1809
Lewis GRIFFIN 1832
Lirrick HARRIS 1848
Littleton DAVIS 1786
Liza BANKS 1860
Longfield COX 1783
Louisa GROVER 1868
Lucy HARGET 1857
Major F. ERNULL 1849
Malachi OTTERSON 1803
Margaret GASTON 1812
Margaret HASLEN 1812
Margaret RICHARDSON 1823
Maria M. HARRISON 1847
Mark HAMILTON 1809
Mary ANDERSON 1885
Mary Ann BESS 1860
Mary CARRAWAY 1856
Mary CHADWICK 1884
Mary CRISPIN 1807
Mary DALZELL 1785
Mary HAMILTON 1829
Mary HANCOCK 1834
Mary MORRIS 1817
Mary RICE 1819
Matureen OFRAY 1798
Michael HYMAN 1791
Nancy EBONN 1855
Nancy HARARD 1828
Nathan MORRIS 1801
Nathaniel CLARK 1850
Nehemiah CULLEN 1795
Noah GASKILL 1867
Obid PALMER 1856
Olivia C. HUNTINGTON 1840
Owen CHESNUT 1862
Parmenas HOTTON 1772
Peter BANKS 1860
Peter CURTIS 1842
Peter CURTIS 1842
Peter DUKE 1771
Peter HARPER 1815
Philemon HOLLAND 1842
Philip NEALE 1818
Rachel CUTHBERT 1855
Rachel HILL 1831
Rebecca NELSON 1801
Richard CRATCH 1811
Richard HARRISON 1827
Richard HOLLEY 1809
Richard HORSENDS 1808
Richard HUNLEY 1800
Robert HOWARD 1760
Ruth HOWARD 1790
S. R. BRINSON 1884
Samuel COOK 1822
Samuel DUDLEY 1877
Samuel HOVER 1798
Sarah HAWES 1815
Sarah PARSONS 1842
Senas DAVIS 1875
Siles RIGGS 1773
Smith DELAMAR 1842
Solomon DIXON 1826
Solomon NORTHUMB 1780
Stephen F. HARDISON 1853
Susan ALLEN 1865
Susan HILL 1848
Thomas L. CHEEKE 1815
Thomas CLEMENTS 1796
Thomas COLLIER 1791
Thomas COOK 1784
Thomas COOK 1798
Thomas DEAN 1761
Thomas ELLISON 1811
Thomas GATLIN 1793
Thomas HASLEN 1782
Thomas HASLEN 1797
Thomas HOBSON 1768
Thomas HYMAN 1807
Thomas MORRIS 1824
Thomas NELSON 1857
Thomas N. NEWTON 1835
Thomas PARSONS, Sr. 1795
Thomas PARSONS, Jr. 1799
Thomas J. PHYSIOC 1853
Thomas PURIFY 1800
Thomas ROE 1781
Vallentins HUKILS 1760
Virgil CRAWFORD 1815
Virginia DUDLEY 1873
Walter DUNN 1800
Wesley GRAY 1867
Wiley M. NELSON 1856
Wiley RIGGS 1811
William J. ARNOLD 1886
William CIVIL 1781
William Frink CLARK 1819
William CLARK 1796
William CONNERLY 1807
William CONWAY 1813
William COX 1802
William DAVIS 1802
William DOWDEN 1808
William DOWDY 1803
William DUBBERLY 1781
William DUDLEY 1831
William GODETT 1816
William GRIFFIN 1809
William GRIFFIN 1853
William HAMILTON 1816
William HANDCOCK 1854
William HARKER 1822
William HENRY 1789
William HOLLAND 1834
William S. HOOVER 1837
William C. HUNTER 1837
William MILER 1799
William L. MORRIS 1831
William NEIL 1814
William Starkey NILOR 1788
William NORTHAN 1774
William T. OGLESBE 1838
William B. PERKINS 1853
Willis MECOY (MCCOY) 1801
Zadock PARRIS 1831


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