Some HENBY and HENLEY entries from Encylopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1

by | Jan 21, 2014 | 0 comments

KEY TO ABBREVIATIONS in the Encylopedia of American Quaker Genealogy:b – born
bur – buried
cert – certificate
ch – child, children
co – chosen overseer (s)
com – complained, complained of
con – condemned
d – died
dec – deceased
dis – disowned, disowned for
dt – daughter, daughters
fam – family
form – formerly
gc – granted certificate
get – granted certificate to
gl – granted letter
h – husband
jas – joined another society
ltm – liberated to marry, left at liberty to marry
m – marry, married, marrying, marriage
mbr – member
mbrp – membership
mcd – married contrary to discipline
MH – meeting house
MM – monthly meeting
mos – married out of society
mou – married out of unity
mtg – meeting
pre – produced a certificate
prcf – produced a certificate from
QM – quarterly meeting
rec – receive, received
recrq – received by request
relfc – released from care for
relrq – released by request
rem – remove, removed
rm – reported married
rmt – reported married to
roc – received on certificate
rocf – received on certificate from
rol – received on letter
rolf – received on letter from
rpd – reported
rq – request, requests, requested
rqc – requested certificate
rqct – requested certificate to
rqcuc – requested to come under care (of mtg)
rst – reinstate, reinstated
s – son, sons
uc – under care (of mtg)
w – wife
YM – yearly meeting

I pulled the following entries from the meeting minutes of Hinshaw’s Encylopedia of American Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1 while doing research on an ancestor whose mother was likely a HENBY.

HENBY Records from Encylopedia of Quaker Genealogy, Vol. 1


1738, 6, 2. Hanah ltm John Bisop [Bishop].
1738, 9, 1. James prcf Little River MM, to m.
1738, 9, 1. James ltm Elisabeth Anderson.
1744,12, 8. Elisabeth, dt John, Perquimans Co., m John Griffin , at Old Neck MH.
1746, 3, 7. Elisabeth ltm Caleb Bundy.
1748, 5, 6. Silvanus rmt Margaret Wells.
1748, 8, 5. Joseph ltm Sarah Anderson, at John Anderson’s house.
1755, 2, 5. Mary rmt John Chappel.
1759, 5, 2. Elisabeth rmt Jacob Jacobs.
1766, 9, 3. Clarkey (Henbee) declared intention of m Charles Overman. (1st time)
1767, 5, 6. Clarkey rmt-John Pinner.
1767,10, 7. Thomas (Henbey) rpd uc.
1767,11, 4. Thomas (Henbey) rec in mbrp.
1767,11, 4. Thomas (Henbey) declared intention of m Elizabeth Albertson, but Thomas was found unworthy of m amongst friends & was dis in 12 mo.
1769, 2, 1. John (Henbey) con his fault to satisfaction.
1771.10, 2. John rqct Pasquotank MM, to m.
1773, 6, 2. Thomas con his misconduct & was rst.
1773, 9, 1. Thomas rmt Clarkey Parker.
1774, 9, 7. Thomas get Pasquotank MM. (rem)
1780.11, 1. Hannah (Henbey), widow with ch, rmt Richard Sanders.
1786, 7, 5. Elisabeth, of Wells, rec in mbrp.
1786.10, 4. Elisabeth (Henbey) rmt Joshua Haskit.
1793, 5, 1. Silvanus (Henbey) rec in mbrp.
1793, 8, 7. Silvanus rmt Miriam Albertson.

1716, 6, 1. James Henby (or Henly) com.
1716,11, 9. John, of Pasquotank, i n the Co. of * Albemarle, m Zibell (Isabel) Newby, at dwelling house of Gabriel Newby.

1750,10, 5. Jesse (Henly) prcf Pasquotank Co., to m.
1750,10, 5. Jesse (Henly) rmt Mary Jones.
1767, 3,25. Milicent, dt John, dec, Pasquotank Co., m Benjamin White, at MH at head of Little River.
1768, 1, 6. Joseph prcf Pasquotank MM, to m.
1768, 2, 3. Joseph rmt Mourning Anderson.
1783, 4, 2. Joseph Outland, of Old Neck, com of for claiming possession of plantation & house said to be the possession of orphans of John Henley, dec. MM rpd he
had no right to do this , & he appealed to QM.
1801.12, 5. Milisent (Henly) rocf MM near Symons Creek
1808, 10, 1. Milisent (now Winslow) dis mos.


1771, 5,15. Dorothy dis mou.
1771,11,20. John, of Perquimans MM, rmt Hannah Morgan.
1772, 2,19. Hannah gc.
1774, 9,21. Clarkey roc.
1843, 8,19. Joseph dis neglecting attendance of mtg & plainness.

1711, 9,15. Elizabeth declared intention of m William Everigin.
1716.10.20. John gc to m.
1718, 8,16. Anne Itm William Newby, Jr., s Gabriel.
1720,10,15. John mentioned in list of sufferings on account of church rates or priest’s dues.
1729, 6, 7. Isabel Itm Benjamin Pritchard.
1738,10,27. Mary Itm Robert Ricks.
1740, 8, 2. John Itm Mary Jordan.
1750, 7, 6. Jesse rqct Perquimans MM, to m.
1752,12, 7. Jesse rec approval of mtg to have an orphan child bound to him by rq of its mother.
1756, 7, 1. Benjamin Morris dis m the widow Henley out of unity.
1757, 4, 7. Jesse co.
1757, 5, 5. Mary Itm Joseph Farmer.
1758,10, 5. Mary Itm Christopher Nicholson.
1761,10, 9. Mary Rattliff, widow of Joseph, com Jesse Henley in behalf of their ch.
1763, 1, 6. Jesse rqct Surry Co. MM, Va., to m.
1765, 4, 4. Jesse & his w rpd rem to New Garden MM, without cert & with complaint against them outstanding.
1765,12, 5. Jesse & w con their differences & rqct New Garden MM.
1766, 3, 6. John rmt Mary Albertson.
1767, 4,15. Milicent rmt Benjamin White, of Perquimans MM.
1768, 1,20. Joseph rqct Perquimans MM, to m.
1770.11.21. Joseph (Henly) con his misconduct.
1772, 7,15. Joseph co for Newbegun Creek.
1772,11,18. Caleb Trueblood, Joseph Henley, Aaron Morris, Sr., John Symons, Sr., Josiah Bundy & Abel Trueblood named to attend
the Court Martial.
HENLEY, continued.
1774, 1,19. Mary (Henly) co at Newbegun Creek.
1774, 4,20. Mourning co for Newbegun Creek.
1774,12,25.-Thomas prcf Perquimans MM.
1777, 3,19. John & ch rqct Center MM.
1777, 3,19. Mary rqct Center MM.
1777, 8,20. Joseph chosen elder.
1786, 2, 1. Elizabeth, dt Joseph, Pasquotank Co., m Joseph Bundy, at MH near Newbegun Creek.
1788, 8,16. John, J r . prcf Center MM, to m.
1788, 9,21. John, s Jesse, Randolph Co., m Keziah Nixon, at Little River MH.
1788.11.15. Keziah rqct Center MM. (rem by m)
1790, 7, 7. Mary, dt Joseph, Pasquotank Co., m Joshua Trueblood, at Newbegun Creek MH.
1791, 7,16. Aaron Morris, Jr. , Elias Albertson, Joseph Henley, Jonathan Price, John Price & Thomas Jordan, rec minutes to attend Philadelphia YM.
1794,11,12. Lucretia, dt Joseph, Pasquotank Co., m Thomas Morris, at public mtg near Newbegun Creek.
1795, 8,15. Joseph, an elder for 17 years & upwards, d 2-17-1795, aged about 48 years
1796, 4,28. Margaret, dt Joseph, Pasquotank Co., m Joshua Morris, at mtg place near the Narrows, Pasquotank Co.
1799, 7,20. Thomas E., of Newbegun Creek, dis dancing & lack of plainness.
1801,11,21. Miliscent rqct Piney Woods MM. (rem)
1807, 4,30. Ann, dt Joseph, dec, Pasquotank Co., m Thomas Morris, at Symons Creek MH.
1809, 5,20. John dis taking office in the militia.
1812, 1,22. George Rix, s Joseph, dec, Pasquotank Co., m Abigail Trueblood, at Newbegun Creek MH.
1813, 9,29. Jordan, s Joseph & Mourning, Pasquotank Co., m Elisabeth Morgan, at Little River MH.
1813.10.16. John, of Newbegun Creek, recrq.
1814, 2,19. Abigail, of Newbegun Creek, dis’ holding slaves.
1815, 9,16. Jordan rqct White Water MM, Wayne Co., Ind.
1815, 9,16. Elisabeth rqct White Water MM, lnd.
1819,12,18. Tamer rec in mbrp.
1629, 4,18. John dis not attending mtg.
1829, 5,16. John appealed to QM & judgement of MM was upheld.
1835, 1,17. Thamer dis joining another society.
1837, 5,20. Nathan dis gross language.

SUTTONS CREEK MM (through 1809)

1795, 2,14. Elisabeth dis .
1795, 5, 9. Clarkey dis .
1796, 1, 9. Thomas rmt Penninah Anderson.
1797, 1,14. Abigail get Contentney MM. (rem)
1799, 2, 17. Thomas, s Thomas, Perquimans Co., m Hannah Haskit, Suttons Creek MH
1799, 3, 9. Abigail rocf Contentney MM
1799, 9, 14. Abigail dis.
1804, 2, 11. Elisha dis mcd.
1804, 3, 10. Sylvanus & S, Jesse & Thomas, gct Contentney MM, Wayne Co. (rem)
1804, 3, 10. Miriam gct Contentney MM. (rem with h)
1804, 2, 9. Thomas dis debts.
1805, 8, 10. Sylvanus & s, Jesse & Thomas, prcf Contentney MM.
1805, 8, 10. Marium (Hemby) rocf Contentney MM.
1808, 4, 9. John dis mcd.
1808, 8, 13. Penninah com.
1809, 5, 13. Sarah & Mary their sisters, Hannah, Pharaby, Clarky, rqct Great Contentney MM.

Contentney MM

1810, 3,10. Charity (form Spivey) dis mou.

1797, 2,11. Abigail rocf Sutton’s Creek MM, dated 1797,1,1.
1799, 2, 9. Abigail get Suttons Creek MM.
1804, 5,12. Miriam rocf Sutton’s Creek MM, dated 1804,3,10.
1805, 7,13. Mariam (with h) get Sutton’s Creek MM. (rem)
1809,11,11. Sarah, Hannah, Pharaba & Clarky rocf Suttons Creek MM, dated 1809,5,13.
1810,11,10. Sarah Cook (form Henby) dis mou.
1818,10,10. Pharaba Lancaster (form Hemby) dis mou.
1820, 1, 8. Clarky Horn (form Hemby) dis mou.




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