Select items from the estate records of Amon Joyner of Pitt County

by | Apr 20, 2019 | 0 comments

There were at least two Amon Joyner living contemporaneously in Craven and Pitt Counties. How they are related is a complete mystery to me. 

I do know they are not the same man nor is one the father of the other, or at least if he is, not legitimately so. 

The Amon Joyner in Craven County is still living in 1850 when he is recorded on the Federal Census living in a household with his son Benjamin Franklin Joyner. 

The Amon Joyner in Pitt County, however, died in 1843, although his estate folder is dated 1863. 

I’ve transcribed select items below and I encourage you to view it yourself if anything piques your interest

This Amon Joyner is the son of Thomas and Susannah Joyner, but what about the one in Craven County? Do you know how that Amon Joyner fits into the Joyner family at large? If so, please comment below or pop on over to the brand new Joyner forum. 🙂 

This is the will abstract from the re-recorded will for Thomas Joyner from PCGQ (Many wills were re-recorded after a fire burned down the Pitt County Courthouse.):

Joyner, Thomas. Pitt. May 16, 1857. Term 1857 [re-recorded]. Wife: Susanah, negroes Hanna, Daniel, Kinchen, Jack, Jenny, Marsh and Ritty. Sons: Charles, Amon, John Thomas, James, William Joyner. Daus.: Susanah, Prisella, Zeloty, Absaly, Artheny and Vesti Victoria. Exec: sons William and John Thomas Joyner. Wits.: S. Marvel, Aron Joyner. —Wb. 1, p. 31.

Selected items from the estate papers of Amon Joyner, Pitt County. (The numbers that appear like 2/55 indicate which image in the series is where the described item can be found.)


Wm H. Smith vs. Wesley B. Mangum & Wm Joyner

Pitt County Court
May Term 1848

William Joyner one of the defendants in this case maketh oath that the defendant Wesley Mangum and Amon Joyner were copartners in the steam saw mill business for some years prior to 1843, during which year the said Amon Joyner died intestate.

Administration on his estate was duly granted to this affiant some time in the year 1843. After the close of the […] certain notes were outstanding against the late firm of Mangum & Joyner. At the request of the surviving partner Wesley B. Mangum, this affiant paid the said notes with his own money and received from said Mangum his obligation, being the note sued upon in this actions. In Mangum’s past of said fisk? notes so taken up. This was during the year 1846. The note sued on was endorsed by this affiant to ? Wm. A. Smith & was given for money paid by this affiant in said Mangum & at his request.

(signed) William Joyner

Sworn & subscribed before me this 4th day of May 1848

E A Lang, clerk


North Carolina }
Pitt County }

County Court
August Term 1864

To the worshipful Justices of said Court

The humble petition of Willis R Williams sheweth unto your worships that at the term 18__[blank] of your Court, William L. Tyer was appointed guardian to Abram Joyner (who was then a minor). Said guardian took unto his possession the entire estate of his said ward which was large consisting of lands, negroes, stock, notes, bonds, accounts, and cash from which he right? to and did derive large annual profits – ? The said Abram Joyner arrived at full age and made his last will and testament and did about the month of ___ [blank] last post: without ?? have settled with his said guardian, your petitioner was appointed administrator with the will annexed on the estate of the said and at the present term of your court died as such is now entitled to recover from the said guardian the estate of his said testator, but the said guardian is unwilling to settle with and pay over the sum to your petitioner unless he can be protected by a decree from your worshipful court and to that end he prays that a copy and suppoena may issue and be served upon the said Wm L. Tyer commanding him to appear at your next court and shew cause if any he may have why said decree shall not be made. And that your worships will cause an account to be stated by some proper person shewing the amount in the hands of said Tyer belonging to the estate of his said ward & that your worships will acrue that same witht he entire estate of the said decd shall be paid over to your petr & make all such other and farther orders and decrees as shall sum right and proper and as in duty bound he will ever pray

J. B. Satterthwaite, Sol.

10 through 16/55

William L. Tyer Guardian – in account current with his ward A. Joyner

(Dates begin January 1, 1857)

Mentions various transactions
Land transactions
“Hire of negroes”
“Received of Lydia Joyner Estate – $514.78”

Other names mentioned:
– A.W. Corbit
– Lancy & Moye
– J.L. Cobb
– D.O. Spain
– A. Cox Shff
– R.H. Drysdale
– A.M. Tyer
– A. Cox
– M.T. Moye
– John King
– John King
– Parker & Corbett
– Alley Joyner
– Bynum & Hines
– Noah Joyner
– R.H. Drysdale
– M. Hamilton
– A. Cox
– L. B. Davidson
– W. M. Gay Adm J. L. Cobb
– W. M. Corbett
– Alley Joyner
– Lang & Moye
– Cox Taxes (or Tavern?)
– D. O. Spain
– W. B. F. Neroton?
– D. A. Crutchins
– GW & BF Moye?
– C. White
– Mary Sumerrell
– R.R. Dupree
– Alley Joyner
– C. H. Frice?
– Elsa Hathaway
– Jo Hodges
– A Joyners

List continues on with many of same names repeated.


Charles Rountree
Adm. ? E.A. Rountree
vs. James Joyner, William Joyner, Adm of Amon Joyner dec’d, Will Joyner et al


State of North Carolina
Pitt County

Superior Court – Fall Term, 1871

Charles Rountree adm. of Lemuel Tyson decd Plaintiff.
against James Joyner Jr?, William Joyner, admrs of Amon Joyner, William Joyner adm of J. L. Joyner and W.J. Moye and Mary? Moye Extrs of Abram D. Moye, decd – Defendants

Judge of the 2nd Judicial District

This Action having been brought to a trial by jury, and a verdict therein ??? for the Plaintiff aforesaid, it is now on motion Edward C. Yellowley? counsel for Plaintiff adjudged that the Plaintiff recover of the Defendants James Joyner Jr., William Joyner admr. of Amon Joyner, William Joyner admr. of J. L. Joyner and Wm. L. Moye and Mary? T. Moye Extrs of A. D. Moye the sum of $three hundred and thirty five and 20/100 pounds by the Jury, with interest and $200 from the 13th day of Novr 1871 and $ cost of this action.

W. A. Moore
Judge of 2d Judicial District

Items begin describing actions regarding “heirs at law” of Amon Joyner


Uzzell Lassiter & wife Priscilla of Greene County called to “answer the allegations set forth in a matter of controversy then and there between William Joyner Admr. of Amon Joyner, plaintiff and Heirs at Law of Amon Joyner, dec.d, defendants.” [27 Nov 1867]


Superior Court
Spring Term 1869

William Joyner Adrm. of Amon Joyner decd, Plaintiff

agst –

James Joyner Jr. (or Sr.), Charles Joyner, Priscilla wife of Uzzel Lassiter, Zelota Joyner, Arthema, wife of James Bryan, and Alford? Mary Richard and Thomas Joyner

In this case the report of the plaintiff setting forth the sale of the lands of his intestate to wit a tract — plain? in said county adjoining the lands of Susan Joyner, Jesse Smith, Moses? Joyner and others on South side of Contentnea Creek Containing ninety-six acres ———— according to an order of court heretofore obtained ?? the sale and further setting forth that the sale was made in pursuance of the ?? thereof and others the said lands sold ?? at a ?? it is adjudged by this court that said sale be ?? and that the plaintiff make title upon the payment of the purchase money.

It is also adjuged that the plaintiff pay the costs of this case out of the fund?

E. ?? ??


Heirs at law of Amon Joyner are named as follows:

William Joyner
James Joyner Jr. (or Sr.)
Charles Joyner
Priscilla, wife of Uzzell Lasiter
Zelota Joyner
Arthena, wife of James Bryan
Alford, Mary, Richard, and Thomas Joyner, infants whose guardian is William Flannikin, James, Joh, Susan, William, Jesse, Marian?, and Joy Smith, children of Jesse Smith who is their natural guardian, James Mangum, infant son of Wesley Mangum who is his natural guradian, and Mary, Fanny Bryan, infant children of James Bryan who is their natural guardian


November 1858

The Petition of William D. Jones & wife Dicia, Robert Turnage & wife Nancy, Elleanor Ruff and Lydia Joyner of the ocunty of Pitt…. tenants in common by virtue of the last will and testament of Aaron Joyner decd of the following negro slaves, to wit — Nancy, Cely, Vilet, Hollon, Enoch, Gabe, Ashley, Haywood, John, Lane, Cynthia, Tilman, Lem, Burt, Mary, Nathan, Washington, Caesar, Allen, Redmond, Louisa, Nixon, Spell, Linder, Ellick, Caroline, Martin which said salves have come to your petitioners in the proportion of one fourth part to William D. Jones & wife, one fourth to Robert Turnage & wife, one fourth to Eleanor Ruff & one fourth to Lydia Joyner – equally share & share alike


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