Heirs of John Holmes to James Creamer

by | Feb 18, 2023 | 0 comments

Heirs of John Holmes sell their land

I’ve referenced this deed previously on this site, but I realized I’ve never transcribed it.

This relates to the John HOLMES family of Beaufort County, Craven County and Pitt County, North Carolina and later Smyth County, Virginia.

John HOLMES had several children. His oldest was John HOLMES, Jr., who held his interest in the George Fisher patent (that his father had inherited upon Fisher’s death) until 1843. The other children were Mary, Lovey, William, and Sevil.

Below is a transcription of the deed along with the image of the deed.

This indenture made and entered into this Twenty Seventh day of December in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Eight hundred and twenty Between the heirs of John HOLMES Dec’d Polly HOLMES Several HOLMES of the County of Craven and the State of North Carolina and William HOLMES of the County of Pitt and State aforesaid of the one part and James CREAMER of the County of Beaufort and State of North Carolina of the other part Witness we the said heirs of John HOLMES dec’d namely Polly HOLMES and Sevil HOLMES and William HOLMES and Lovi HOLMES for and in consideration of the Sum of Twenty five Dollars to us in hand paid upon the unsealing of these presents by the said James Cramer the _ whereof we hereby acknowledge ourselves there with contented have granted bargained sold unto the said James CREAMER his heirs and assigns forever all our title and claim to a certain piece or park of land lying in the County of Beaufort and State of North Carolina and on the Cabbin branch on the _ East side of the road beginning at a White stump in the Cabin Branch and down the said branch to the horse pen branch then up the said horsemen branch unto the line of the Pattent then the different of the Pattent to the first Station containing Fifty acres being part of a track containing a hundred acres Pattented by George FISHER in the Year of our Lord 1737 with all and every appurtenances there unto belonging unto him the said James CREAMER his heirs and assigns forever and to the said Polly HOLMES Sevil HOLMES and William HOLMES and Lovi HOLMES for our our heirs and assigns will warrant and forever the Bargained premises unto him the said James CREAMER his heirs and assigns forever against the _ claim of any person or persons whatever In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals the day and date above written.

Polly { her X mark } HOLMES
Sevil { her X mark } HOLMES
William { his X mark } HOLMES
Lovi { her X mark } HOLMES

Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of
Martha { her X mark } NELSON
Howell { his X mark } DOWNS

Nov Term 1826 Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Then was the Execution of the within Deed from Polly HOLMES and others to James CREAMER proved in Court by the Oath of Howell DOWNS let it be Registered.

Jas. B. HINTON Clk

Beaufort County Deeds, Book 14, p 74
Heirs of John Holmes, Sr. to James Cramer (James Creamer)
1826-11, Heirs of John Holmes, Sr. to James Cramer (James Creamer), Beaufort County Deed Bk 14, p74


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