John Mills Estate Records (1809) – Names heirs, includes detailed map with Swift Creek landmarks

by | May 9, 2017 | 2 comments

(This article was originally posted April 10, 2014. I’ve found new information since then, however, so I’m updating it. I’ve also transcribed much of what’s found in John MILLS’s estate records folder. Please note, there are a few pages mixed in erroneously— pp 5-10 — that are actually for a different man named Capt. John MILL who died in 1767.)

Some of the best genealogical data can be found in estate records. The folder holding documents relating to the estate of John MILLS of Swift Creek, Craven County is no exception.

In it, his widow is named, as are his minor children and his married daughter.

Widow – Pheriby (HILL – Daughter of John HILL And Keziah GRIFFIN)


  • Adult –
    • Synia(?) MILLS m. Charles JAMES
  • Minors –
    • Elizabeth “Betty” Mills
    • Keziah Mills
    • Lydia Mills
    • Mary Mills
    • Narcissa “Narcy” Mills
    • Sidney Mills
    • William Mills

One of my favorite items in the folder was a surprise — a clear, detailed map showing the lots that were divided up for John MILLS’ heirs, that also indicates a few Swift Creek landmarks. The Grate (sic) Branch, the Little Branch and Pollard’s Swamp are all drawn clearly on this map, as are the notations for each partitioned lot.

p30 - Detailed map of Swift Creek lots for John Mills heirs

p27 - Division of John Mills land p28 - Division of John Mills land - 2

p. 11

State of North Carolina }
Craven County }

Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions June 1808

Then were Abner CAMPBELL, Talbot WILLIAMS and Lewis BRYAN Ordered to settle the Accounts of Ferebee MILLS Administratrix of John MILLS.

Attest. J.G. STANLY

p. 12

Ferebee MILLS Admix of John MILLS dec’d
Acct Settled

Returned & approved
Septr Term 1808
Attest. J.G. STANLY

p. 13

Ferebe MILLS, To the Estate of John MILLS D~

January 15th, 1805

To the amunt of Acct of sales of Sd Estate

Supra Cr.

By Cash paid William HARDY Act — £38.0.0
“ Ditto ditto Henry SMITH Act  — 25.0.0
“ Ditto ditto Edward GARDNER Act — 2.0.0
“ Commisions on selling the property of and Collecting the Debts Due said estate £13.10.0
at 79 & Cent £78.10
“Cash paid the Clerk of the County Court for administration &. 1.0.0
[Total] £79.10.0
balance the estate £101.2.6

In Persuance to the annexed order we have met and examined the accounts of Ferebe MILLS, administratrix of John MILLS Decd and we found that the said administratrix is indebted to said estate as appears above the sum of one hundred and one pound Two shillings & sixpence given under our hands the 10th Day of September 1808.


p. 14

Decmeber the 11 day 1809

This is John CHAPMAN’s acount against the Hears of John MILLS for Laying of and dividing the Lands Belonging to the Estate of Said MILLS to five days work of Surveying and planing at 20/pr day
to one days attendance as Commisioner at 10/per day

Sworn to Decr 1909
and allowed

p. 15

1 feather Bed & furnetur to Phereby MILLS at 5
2 feathrer Beds & furnetur to Phereby MILLS at 5
1 Chest to Phereby MILLS at 5
8 Chairs to Phereby MILLS at 5
1 table to Phereby MILLS at 5
1 Lot of Crockery to Phereby MILLS at 3
3 Jugs to Phereby MILLS at 5
1 Muskit to William Hardy at 2 18 0
1 pair of Fine Dogs? to Phereby MILLS at 5
1 Slat trap to Phereby MILLS
1 flat Iron to Phereby MILLS at 2 18 0
1 Indin Baskit to Phereby MILLS at 2 6
1 Lot of Books to Phereby MILLS at 3 0
1 Feather Bed & furnitur to Phereby MILLS at 2 0
1 Wolen Wheel to Phereby MILLS W 5
1 Lining Wheel to Phereby MILLS W 1
1 Lome to Phereby MILLS W 5
1 Lot of Old ???? to Phereby MILLS W 1
1 Lot of old ??? to Phereby MILLS W 2
1 Small Iron Pot & hooks to Phereby MILLS W 3
4 Puter Basons to Phereby MILLS W 14 0
2 Dishes & 7 plats puter to Phereby MILL W 18
1 tin Coffey Pot to Phereby MILLS W 2
1 ? bottel to Phereby MILLS W 2
1 ? Bottel to Phereby MILLS W 3
1 pair of women Shirs? to Phereby MILLS W 2
5 knives & 12 forks to Phereby MILLS W 2
5 pair of spoon Molds to Phereby MILLS W 3
11 nice? puter spoons to Phereby MILLS W 9
9 old puter spoons to Phereby MILLS W 6
1 Iron Candel Stick to Phereby MILLS W 1 6
1 Spi? gimblet to Phereby MILLS W 6
3 Mortersoning? Chizles to John PELT W 4
3 Drowing knife to Phereby MILLS W 7
[p. 16] to Phereby MILLS
1 Drowing knife to Laban MORRIS W 3
1 lot of old ? to Phereby MILLS W 6
1 tin bason to Phereby MILLS W 6
1 pair of Iron wedges to Phereby MILLS 12
1 Iron pot & hoocks to Phereby MILLS 5
1 frying pan to Phereby MILLS 1
1 washing tub & pale to Phereby MILLS 3
6 weding hows to Phereby MILLS 6
1 hiling? hoe to Phereby MILLS 3
1 grubing hoe to Phereby MILLS 9
1 Lot of old gumbs & bords? to Phereby MILLS 3
1 Lot of old Leather to Phereby MILLS 1
5 bushels of Cow peas to Phereby MILLS 1 5
1 pair of Cumpens & Craws? to Nazby MILLS W 2 6
1 man Sadel to Phereby MILLS W 17
1 Mans Saddle to Phereby MILLS 4
1 Club ax to Phereby MILLS 7
1 hatch to Phereby MILLS 6
1 Broad ax to Allen SMITH W 1
3 augers to Joel WALL W 13
2 gugs to Phereby MILLS 5
1 Set of Cuppers Tools to William HARDY W 2 10
1 frow to David AVERITT W 9 6
1 Cross cut saw & file to Wille CAUSEY W 3 13 6
1 hansaw to Joal WALL W 2 6
2 washer tubs to Phereby MILLS W 4
1 Shillit to Phereby MILLS W 2 6
3 pair of braces to Phereby MILLS W 2 6
1 Leather apron & Ladel tail? to Phereby MILLS W 1
1 bar plow to Nazby MILLS W 11
1 sluck? plow to Phereby MILLS W 2 0
1 sluck? plow to Phereby MILLS 2
1 grine stone to Phereby MILLS W 2
1 cart & wheels to Phereby MILLS 5
[p. 17] to Phereby MILLS
2 Baskits to Phereby MILLS W 5
6/2 yar old hogs to George CHARLTON 8
4 hade of Sheep to Phereby MILLS W 2 6
6/3 yar old hogs to William HARDY 7 13
4 beehives to Phereby MILLS W 1
2 Stears to David AVRITT 9 6
1 Cow to John FORNS 5 1
1 Cow to Phereby MILLS 3 1
1 hiefer to John FORNES 5 1 6
1 Cow & ? to Wilee HILL 5 18 6
2 Cows & Calvs to Phereby MILLS 5
1 Cow with calf to Phereby MILLS 5
1 Cow with Calf to John WILLEN 5 15 6
3 heffers & one foal to Phereby MILLS 6 13
1/ 2 yar old heffer to Phereby MILLS 2 11
1 Cow & two Calves to Laban MORRIS 6
10 hode of hogs to Phereby MILLS 5
2 Saws & 7 Shuks? to Phereby MILLS 3
1 Saw & Barow to Phereby MILLS W 2
1 Saw & 6 Shots to Phereby MILLS 2 12 6
1 Horse to Phereby MILLS 30 10
1 Mar to Samuel SMITH 14
1 bridel & bell to Phereby MILLS 6
1 Rope to Samuel SMITH 6
1 Bell to Phereby MILLS 1 6
1 Lot Shue Makn tools to Phereby MILLS 3
1 Emty Barrels to Phereby MILLS 3
2 Slays to Phereby MILLS 4
1 water Pale to Phereby MILLS 2
1 towel to Phereby MILLS 3
[p. 18] to Phereby MILLS
2 pare of Cards to Phereby MILLS 10
1 Looken glass to Phereby MILLS 10
1 barrel of Corn to Phereby MILLS 1 7 0
3 Sids of Leather to Phereby MILLS 10
2 Sids of Leather to Phereby MILLS 1 10
1 Lucking glass to Pollard 12

Phereby { her X mark } MILLS Administratrix
The amount of
sails of the property
of John MILLS dec’d
? March Term 1805

p. 19

Charles JAMES
& Wife


Ferebee MILLS
Admx & others

Pro bond

p. 20

[This page is a notice of suit filed by Charles JAMES and his wife against Ferebee MILLS Admix of John MILLS]

p. 21

[This page is another notice of petition filed, this time by Charles JAMES and Stephen JAMES against Ferebee MILLS.]

p. 22

State of North Carolina }
Craven County }

Whereas Febery MILLS & Charles JAMES cold [called] on me Sacker DUBBERLEY the 12 of May 1810 to Setel & Despute Whareas Charles JAMES had sued febery MILLS as administrator of John MILLS Deceased for the Legacy due Said James Wife from the Estate of said Dec’d & the said Charles JAMES Confesed & acknowledged that he the said James had Rec’d his [looks like ‘Perposhanable’] part of said Estate & agread to Take said Sut out of Coart & pay the Cost of Said suit as there unto I set My hand & Seal the Day and Date above Mention

Charles ( his C mark ) JAMES { Seal }


p. 23

to the county
Court of Craven

p. 24

[Subpoena for Ferebee MILLS Administratrix of John MILLS and guardian to Mary, Sidney Lydia, William, Nicey, Betty, and Cissa MILLS to appear in court regarding the petition of Charles JAMES and Ciney JAMES his wife –17 Nov 1809]

p. 25

Charles JAMES & Wife


Ferebee MILLS Admx
of Will MILLS & others

subpa to be

December Term 1809

p. 26

Partition of lands
of John MILLS

Dec’d 1809

Approved & Confirmed

Attest. J.G. STANLY

p. 27

State of North Carolina }
Craven County }

We the Commisioners being duly apointed by the Court of our County at September term to Lot and Lay of all the lands in this County that is Belonging to the Estait of John MILLS whom has decesed between the Hears of Said MILLS which is Synea JEAMES [JAMES] the Wife of Charles JAMES and Mary MILLS And Sidya MILLS & Lydia MILLS and Wm MILLS and Nurcissa MILLS Elizabeth & Kisiah MILLS And we have went on the premises and do find Just Eight Hundred and five acres of Land Two Hundred and Ninety four on the South Side of Swifts Creek joining on the Creek and Baybush pecoson and five Hundred and Eleven acres on the No Side of Said Creek Joining on the No Side of Pollards Swamp and we have thought proper to Lot it of as follows —

Lot No one drawed by Synea JAMES Containing Sixty two acres of Land which is on the South Side of Swifts Creek part pattented by Rountree and part by Henry SMITH Begining at a Stake in the Creek Swamp in Rountrees Second Line and Runs with Sd Line So 83 Et 29 poles to the third Corner of the Survey then So 7 Wt 146 poles to a Stake CHAPMAN’s Corner then with his Line No 65 Et 154 poles to a pine then So 40 Wt 50 poles then So 60 Wt 150 poles then No 89 Wt 13 poles then No 7 Et 200 poles to the Begining —

Lot No two drawed by Sidya MILLS Containing fifty Eight acres of Land Joining of Lot No one Beginning at the Same stake in Rountrees Creek Line and Runs So 7 Wt 200 poles the No 89 Wt 48 po then No 7 Et 202 poles to a Stake in the Creek Line then with Said Lin So 83 Et 47 po to the Beginning —

Lot No three drawed by Kisier MILLS joining of the Second Lot Beginning at the fourth corner of the Second Lot and Runs So 7 Wt 202 poles then No 89 Wt 45 poles then No 5 Et 200 poles ot a Stake in the aforesaid Creek Line then with Said Line So 23 Et 50 poles to the Beginning Containing 58 acres of Land —

Lot No four drawed by Elizabeth MILLS Containing fifty Eight acres Joining the third Lot Beginning at a Stake the fourth corner of the third Lot and Runs So 5 Wt 208 poles then No 89 Wt 28 poles then No 34 Wt 26 poles then North 121 poles then No 7 Et 77 poles to a pine in the Edg of the Creek Rountrees Corner then with his Secon Line So 23 Et 50 poles to the begining —

Lot No five drawed by Mary MILLS Containing fifty Eight acre Beginning at a Red? Oake Rountrees Beginning Corner and Runs No 65 wt 72 poles then No 20 Wt 54 poles [page torn]… South 46 Et 32 poles then No 24 Et 52 poles to Branch then with the Branch to Rountrees Line then South 121 poles then No 34 wt 26 poles to the Beginning

p. 28

Lot No Six drawed by Wm MILLS Containing one Hundred and Seventy Acres of Land which is part of a pattent Granted to John TAYLOR on the N Side of Pollards Swamp Beginning at a Small pine on the Side of Said Swamp just above the fork which is John TAYLORs third Corner and Runs with the ?? of his Line So 80 Wt 154 poles to a Stake in Said Line then South one Wt 143 poles to afresaid Swamp then ? with the variou sCourses of Said Swamp to the begining —

Lot No Seven drawed by Nurcissa MILLS Containing one Hundred and Seventy acres on Pollards Swamp part pattened by Thomas POLLARD and part by John TAYLOR Begining at a pine in the mouth of a Small Branch just above the Gutry Branch and Runs No 56 Wt 20 poles to a pine John HARDYs Corner then No 48 Et 145 poles ot the Grate Branch then up the Branch to said Taylors Second Corner then with Line So 80 Et 108 poles to a Stake in Said Line then So one Wt 143 poles to Pollards Swammp then down the winding of the Swamp to the begining —

Lot No Eight drawed Lydia MILLS Containing one Hundred and Seventy acres it Being part of a pattent Granted to John HARDY Joining the Land Nasby MILLS now Livs on Begining at pine in the Grate pond on John HARDYs Line nad Runing with Said Line So 73 Et 104 poles to a pine Said Hardy Cornerthen No 49 Et 145 poles to the Grate Branch then down with various Courses of Said Branch to a Small Branch that Makes in to the Grate Branch then with the Said Small Branch to the Grate pond then with a direct line to the Begining —

The above plan Represents the figure of said Lands and the Numbers of the Lots

John CHAPMAN Sevair? [Surveyor?]
John ( his X mark ) CAUSEY

December the 4th day 1809
Absolum COCKS [Absalom COX] }
Stephen JAMES }

p. 29

[blank except for a few random numbers]

p. 30

[Map showing lots drawn by each of the heirs of John MILLS]

p. 31

[Official notice of Ferebe MILLS, Joel WALL, and Wiley HILL submitting inventory of goods and chattels of John MILLS, dec’d.]

p. 32

[reverse of previous page]
Ferebe MILLS Admx
Dec Term

p. 33

Charles JAMES &
Sinah his wife

Mary MILLS &

subpa to be rec’d
with copy & ? for
Isaac Wingate

December Term

Excuted Wm. J. CARMAN .?

p. 34

[Summons for Mary MILLS, Sidney MILLS, Lydia MILLS, William MILLS, Narcissa MILLS, Betsey MILLS & Kesiah MILLS infants by their guardian Isaac WINGATE… “concerning those things which shall be then & there objected to them & by the petition of Charles JAMES & Sinah his Wife…” Filed Nov 5th 1808]

p. 35

[Summons for Benajah WHITE, Sacker DUBBERLY, John CAUSEWAY (Causey), Abner CAMPBELL & John CHAPMAN… “to make partition of two tracts of land one on the South side of Swift’s Creek containing 300 Acroes & one on the North Side of Creeping Swamp containing 500 acres the property of John MILLS deceased between Sinah JAMES wife of Charles JAMES & Mary MILLS, Sidney MILLS, Lydia MILLS, William MILLS, Narcissa MILLS, Betsey MILLS and Kesiah MILLS children & heirs at law of said John MILLS…” 18 April 1809]

p. 36

[Reverse of previous — just basic notes indicating that it is summon and who it involves]

p. 37

Charles James & Wife

Mary MILLS &

Desire for

March Term

p. 38

[Similar summons to the one on p. 35, except entirely hand-written]

p. 39

[Reverse of previous page]

p. 40

[Petition of Charles JAMES & Sinah his wife requesting partition of land, written Sept 1808]

p. 41

Charles JAMES
& Wife
vs. Mary MILLS
& others

Sept 1809…

p. 42

[Summons similar to the one on p. 35; dated June / July 1809]

p. 43/44

[Another petition document with same request from Charles JAMES and Sinah, his wife]


  1. Suzy Dixon Bennett

    Hi Sara,

    I have a copy of a land survey also on John Mills. This land was in Grimesland, NC, very near the Grimesland Bridge area. Would you like a copy of it?

    • Sara Whitford

      If you’d like to send it to me, that’d be great. I don’t personally descend from John Mills — that I know of, but I try to put all kinds of eastern NC folks on this site, not just my own ancestors. 🙂 BTW, you and I are related. I know we have communicated in years past about shared family lines. Since Dixon is in your name, I’m guessing it may be there, and Mills… and maybe Gaskins or Elks or who knows what else. 🙂


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